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The Masons also admit to having a revolutionary political agenda. Typical of statements Lina cites from Masonic publications is the following from a German magazine in 1910:"The driving thought is at all times focused on destruction and annihilation, because the power of this great secret society can only rise from the ruins of the existing order of society." (272)
responsible for humanity's ,rrested development. Mankind resembles a person suffering from aserious disease and sinking into a coma.
Juri Lina has written a courageous book to revive us. He says we face "the largest spiritual crisis in the history of mankind...They have taken our history, our dignity, our wisdom and our honor, sense of responsibility, spiritual insights and our traditions."
We are partly to blame, he says: "We have failed to act against the Masonic madness due to our enormous gullibility. We have been totally fooled and ignored the warning signals." (274)
He ends on a hopeful note, saying evil is dysfunctional and inevitably destroys itself. "Freemasonry carries within it the seeds of its own destruction." (563)
Wars, revolutions and depressions are all part of a "revolutionary" process designed to frogmarch humanity to "world government" under the rubric of Freemasonry which is a proxy for an alliance of occult Jewish and gentile financial elites. Their "self-destruction" seems to be our best hope since the public is too feckless and weak to resist.
How University Betrays Students
I would only send my son to university if he had no talent. He is going anyway, for the social life and the certificate. I warn him that studying the humanities and social sciences will stunt his ability to think independently or absorb information that doesn't fit his programming.
The modern university is not devoted to truth, quite the opposite. Repressive feminism is rampant on campus but this is just a symptom of a much more profound problem.
Modern Western "culture" is based on the fraudulent assumptions of the "Enlightenment," an intellectual movement dating from the Eighteenth Century. This in turn was the product of the Illuminist program to create a new (secular) world order by denying the existence of God and immutable natural and spiritual laws.
In practice this means Arts students study a bunch of atheists who are presented as if they were Gods. Their professors act as high priests.
Like deaf men tuning a piano, they try to explain the human condition without any reference to the Creator, Design or man's Divine Spirit.
They portray mankind as a forlorn animal in an amoral world, characterized by a merciless struggle for survival.
They celebrate human "freedom" by which they mean the freedom to reject God's Order, indulge animal appetites, and be alienated and dysfunctional.
Illuminism is the Luciferian doctrine of Freemasonry. The mortar board that university graduates wear is a symbol of Freemasonry. Black gowns symbolize the occult. Arts students are unwittingly being inducted into a Luciferian/Communist cult.
God represents moral and spiritual absolutes like love, truth, goodness, harmony and justice. Belief in their reality is essential for our healthy development. While our culture pays lip service to them (this is how fraud works), it is frankly devoted to their demise.
Modern education and culture is designed to make us dysfunctional. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion confirms this. The Protocols is not an anti Semitic diatribe. (They say that because they don't want you to read it.) It is the blueprint of the New World Order that is now in place.
Someone like Baron Lionel Rothschild wrote it between 18751895 for a Masonic Secret Society, the Illuminati. The Illuminati represents a continuation of the feudal alliance of Jewish bankers and European aristocrats. The Illuminati created and financed Nazism and Communism.
The Illuminati is bound by a devotion to Lucifer, the rebellious angel who defied God and said man will define reality. He is called "the bringer of light." Now do you understand the "Enlightenment"? The super rich want to be God and reshape reality to fit their interests. To do this, they need to sever our links with Reality, i.e. God (absolute truth, love and justice.)
Their means are unlimited so are their ambitions. Here are some relevant statements from Protocol 16.
"In order to effect the destruction of all collective forces except ours we shall emasculate the first stage of collectivism, the universities, by re-educating them in a new direction."
"We must introduce into their education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order."
"Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzsche-ism.... it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the goyim. " (Protocol 2)
"We shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us..."
We shall turn them into "unthinking submissive brutes waiting for things to be presented before their eyes in order to form an idea of them..."
This is consistent with a 1930's Communist manual on brainwashing. "In the United States we have been able to alter the works of William James, and others, ...and to place the tenets of Karl Marx, Pavlov, Lamarck, and the data of Dialectic Materialism into the textbooks of psychology, to such a degree that anyone thoroughly studying psychology becomes at once a candidate to accept the reasonableness of Communism."
"As every chair of psychology in the United States is occupied by persons in our connection, the consistent employment of such texts is guaranteed... Educating broadly the educated strata of the populace into the tenets of Communism is thus rendered relatively easy." ("Soviet Art of Brainwashing" II, Ch. 11)
At university, students encounter "The Cult of Great Men" the pantheon of modern pretenders who have usurped God's place.
Their every utterance is treated as Holy Writ. Scholarly articles are devoted to words that later turn out to be typos. In a graduate seminar, I witnessed a student read a list of filthy obscenities that had been censored from William Faulkner's novel "Sanctuary." After each expletive, the other students gasped with horror as though a religious artefact had been desecrated.
Professors are the overpaid priests of this secular cult. They have a vested interest in maintaining its shibboleths. They initiate students into a lifelong habit of mental servility. All knowledge comes from Great Men. Students can only aspire to analyse their meaning. A professor once told me I had failed because "only great men can say things like that."
The students' state-of-mind becomes passive and disoriented. He struggles to reconcile contradictory world-views.
One day I had an awakening. Don't these "great men" live in the same world? Isn't it the one I live in?
Dare I think for myself?
Dislocation takes place in time as well as space. By continually studying the past, the student thinks nothing remains to be done. No manifestos remain to be written, no Bastilles need to be stormed.
While the world cries out for leadership, the new generation is buried in musty manuscripts writing footnotes to dead men.
As you've gathered by now, a humanities education is not intended to uplift or empower. The world is owned and run by an inbred banking cabal and their allies. Its goal, in the words of Cecil Rhodes, is to "gradually absorb the wealth of the world." Naturally it must obscure this plan. They want to make students their tools. Professors who don't play the game are fired.
niversities are not places of invigorating inquiryanddebate. They are stagnant backwaters that reek of moral compromise and disillusionment.
Mankind is groping in the dark. "All we know is the wind that blows," Thoreau wrote. Our false confidence is based on material progress and technology, which Thoreau calls "improved means to unimproved ends."
"We have turne
d the brainless head of the goyim with progress," says the Protocols( XIII). With the exception of "material inventions," progress "like a fallacious idea, implies a departure from truth in all cases."
In other words, the Illuminists have infected mankind with the illusion that they are building a humanist utopia based on reason, when in fact they are constructing a neo feudal tyranny. This is the essence of "globalism" and the principle behind world events.
In conclusion, God is a Spirit or state of consciousness where ideals of justice goodness truth and love are self-evident. The Illuminists' first priority is to destroy Christianity and belief in God. They have to sever humanity from its metaphysical moorings in order to substitute a false reality conducive to their rule.
Humanities education today is a placebo, a substitute for a true education. It is a pretext for indoctrination, acceptance of which qualifies you for employment. I would recommend university only for a practical education (i.e. science, commerce, pharmacy, engineering etc.)
The world will not be saved by acts of God but acts of men representing God. Our duty is to take these ideals seriously in our personal lives and bring them into the world. The cost of rejecting God is to become slaves of very bad men.
How the Elite Plays God
Like a cat toying with a mouse, the elite teases us with glimpses of our true predicament. One such peek was the 1998 movie The Truman Show directed by Peter Weir.
Truman Burbank, played by Jim Carrey, is unaware his life is a live reality TV show. Everyone, including his wife, is an actor, and everything that happens is staged. In other words, his life is a fraud.
Truman Burbank's predicament describes our own. According to John Coleman, the elite has been writing and directing the script for almost hundred years at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations based in London.
Coleman, 71, a former British Intelligence officer (MI-6), first exposed the clique that dominates the world is his Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (1992).
As its title suggests, his latest book is a rambling cry of despair: The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States of America (2005).
The book is confirmation that a financial elite engineered every war and depression in modern history and continues to condition our beliefs and behavior.
According to Coleman, Tavistock began life before WWI to convince peace-loving populations of the need to massacre each other.
"Those fresh-faced young American boys from Arkansas and North Carolina were sent marching off to Europe believing they were "fighting for their country" never knowing that the "democracy" [Woodrow] Wilson sent them to "make the world safe for" was a Socialist-International One World Government dictatorship." (42)
Funded by the royal family, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, Tavistock pioneered the techniques of propaganda used to justify war. Outright lies about German atrocities in WWI resonate down through the decades to lies about Sadaam Hussein's gassing Kurds and killing babies in Kuwait. Of course the biggest lie of all is that Muslims had anything to do with Sept. 11.
Coleman found that 94% of the key words and phases developed by Tavistock for WWII use "matched up with those used in the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the Gulf War." (153)
Coleman's main point is we can't trust anything the mass media or government tells us, especially not the "News." He cites Stalin's propaganda chief Willy Munzenberg: "All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news."
Coleman says society is rotten with institutions and organizations directed by Tavistock to deceive and distort. They are called "elite" institutions because of whom they serve.
The conspiracy reaches right down to the local level. According to Coleman, Tavistock has an "invisible army" of actors found "today in the halls of justice, police, churches, school boards, sports bodies, newspapers, TV...town councils, state legislatures, and are legion in Washington. They run for every office..."
Virtually every important corporation, university, think tank or foundation is linked to Tavistock. (See Conspirators' Hierarchy pp. 221-253 for a list.) It chooses the entertainers we watch, the pundits we listen to, the politicians we elect. Every US President since Theodore Roosevelt has been under its control. They made examples of rebels like JFK and Richard Nixon.
Tavistock is behind every "spontaneous" social movement of the last century, including feminism, sexual "liberation", the peace movement, the "New Age" movement, environmentalism, homosexuality, and abortion.
"The moral, spiritual, racial, economic, cultural and intellectual bankruptcy we are in the midst of today is not some social phenomenon...that just happened. Rather it is the product of a carefully planned Tavistock program," Coleman writes.
We are constantly studied to see how we will react under stress. Orson Well's Martian invasion in 1938 was designed to demonstrate the power of the "news" to deceive. Coleman doesn't mention it but the power blackout in the Northeast was probably another study of mass behavior. So was New Orleans. Confident of our sedated sheep-like behavior, Coleman says Tavistock went ahead and massacred David Koresh and his followers at Waco after lying about his activities. (240)
Tavistock follows Sun Tsu's maxim of "Kill a few; terrorize many." Coleman calls Winston Churchill's decision to bomb German civilians "a war crime." Dresden was "an outright attack on Christianity, timed to take place during Lent," he says. (188)
According to Coleman, Tavistock is waging war on the Muslim world because Islam represents an obstacle to its control. (151) He claims Russia and China still have a measure of independence.
We are in this jam because a small group of dynastic families have amassed unlimited wealth by usurping the government's money-creation role.
To maintain this unjust advantage, they need to create a "world government" dictatorship. As in any colonial situation, our national elites are chosen by their willingness to collaborate with the occupying power. Most people will do whatever it takes to be "successful". Many think they are free citizens creating a better world. Like the two Jewish professors who criticized the Israel Lobby recently, they discover the reality when they stray from the script.
The public is constantly under psychological attack. Turn on the news and we see 9-11 cover-up accomplice Rudolph Giuliani shedding crocodile tears with victims' families at patsy Zacharias Moussaoui's show trial. Al-Quaeda hijacker Mohammed Atta "mistakenly keyed the air traffic control microphone instead of the cabin intercom" and is heard talking to the frightened passengers! Sure.
Meanwhile, the bird flu is coming to get us. Someone is burning black churches. Illegal aliens are flooding the country (despite the "heightened security" mandated by the "war on terror.") We're told Jesus asked Judas to betray him. It goes on and on.
People find the Illuminati to be an abstract and elusive enemy. Look no further than your television, your iPod, your radio, movie or newspaper.
Coleman says 450 of the Fortune 500 companies get their marching orders from Tavistock. This may explain why TV commercials seem more concerned with behavior modification than with selling a product.
I saw this gem recently. A little boy besieges a little girl with gifts. Each time she rejects him. Finally she accepts a vase full of flowers but slams the door in his face. She dumps the flowers in the garbage and uses the vase to gulp McCain's Kool-Aid.
What a message to send to children! They are messing people up so we are too divided and dysfunctional to resist them.
Like Truman Burbank, more and more people are recognizing the plot. They are testing the elite's story line and finding it mendacious and perverse. They are walking off the stage to find an authentic life.
Modern Kulture
The Judeo Masonic Roots
Modern "culture" is a product of the Luciferian conspiracy against Christian Civilization.
Relentlessly negativ
e and increasingly obscene, modern "culture" attacks the sources of dignity, decency and hope that define us as human beings rather than animals.
For example, last week the media was hyping a play that opened in London about "sexual love" between a married man and a goat.
In an interview, the playwright Edward Albee said "The Goat" challenged this "societal taboo" and hoped that members of the audience would "re-examine their values and attitudes toward bestiality."
"Funny, moving and tragic," raved Channel 4 News, a respected and "serious" programme in the UK.
Bestiality has occurred and the play is primarily concerned with the protagonist's confession and inability to deal with the fact that he "feels guilty for not feeling guilty". "We are all animals," he rationalizes. The play deals with the confrontation between the protagonist, his wife and their gay son.
A reader, Jonathan Stonehouse, wrote: "It staggers me to think that there are many who now associate freedom with the normalization of everything formerly regarded as morally repugnant, when the truth is we're building a world in which the majority will be slaves to every whim and fancy, not to mention dark and abhorrent desire, the human imagination can conceive. That's a form of 'freedom' I can well do without."
True culture is based on refining our animal instincts in terms of our spirituals ideals (like truth, justice, goodness and beauty.)
Modern anticulture is based on demoralizing and destroying society by disparaging these ideals.
Anti culture portrays man in purely naturalistic and material terms. Every sexual impulse and bodily function must be recognized and indulged. This is considered "courageous" while any demur is considered repressive and prudish or fascist.