Cruel Hoax Page 20
In one of the final episodes of "Sex and the City", the audience had to endure Carrie getting a bikini wax. Thankfully we were spared a full frontal view.
This is not prudishness. Human dignity requires privacy. Female allure requires modesty and mystery. We have souls, not only bodies.
The exaltation of man's animal nature at the expense of his spiritual qualities is a direct consequence of the deification of man. Our anti culture assumes that man is a finished product and doesn't need to be transformed by God's Love.
A symptom of making man God is that we mystify and worship human beings. We worship a cult of great minds, a cult of great beauty, a cult of great wealth and power.
Modern "culture" reflects the final unfolding of a diabolical conspiracy that rejects God's plan for mankind's development.
By eating the forbidden fruit, Lucifer promised: "Your eyes will be open and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3:5)
This means that man will define what is good and evil.
God is Good. When man makes himself God, he really becomes Satan. Good becomes whatever the most powerful man or group wants. Good becomes evil and evil becomes good. This is happening today.
There were a lot of groups who wanted to be God but some believe our anti culture can be traced to the Jewish view of their "chosenness."
Originally Jews had a conception of God as a Universal Moral Force. (This is the Judaism I identify with.)
Apparently in 79 BC there was a Civil War and the Pharisees were victorious. They proclaimed the supremacy of the Babylonian Talmud over the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament.)
The Talmud teaches that the Jews are chosen by God to lead mankind. In practice this makes them God and gives them the right to redefine reality. It has made them Luciferians. In the words of Harold Rosenthal, "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer...and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive."
According to the author "Rabi": "Christianity is essentially preoccupied with the individual salvation of man. Judaism only contemplates the salvation of the House of Israel, which alone can permit the salvation of seventy nations of the universe." (Anatomie du Judasime Francaise, pp.203-204)
Thus the Pharisees rejected Christ because he taught that God is Love and all men are equal in the sight of God.
"The advent of Christ was a national catastrophe for the Jewish people, especially for the leaders," Leon de Poncins writes. "Until then they alone had been the Sons of the Covenant; they had been its sole high priests and beneficiaries.... "
He continues: "The irreducible antagonism with which Judaism has opposed Christianity for 2000 years is the key and mainspring of modern subversion...[The Jew] championed reason against the mythical world of the spirit ...he was the doctor of unbelief; all those who were mentally in revolt came to him either secretly or in broad daylight..." (Judaism and the Vatican, pp.111-113.)
In addition to Jewish Messianism, Freemasonry has been the bankers' tool. It was instrumental in the destruction of the Christian monarchies in Germany, Austria and Russia and the decline of the Catholic Church.
In his Encyclical Humanum Genus (1884) Pope Leo XIII wrote that the ultimate aim of Freemasonry is "to uproot completely the whole religious and moral order of the world, which has been brought into existence by Christianity...This will mean that the foundation and the laws of the new structure of society will be drawn from pure naturalism."
Again Pope Leo XIII said: "Freemasonry is the permanent personification of the Revolution; it constitutes a sort of society in reverse whose aim is to exercise an occult overlordship upon society as we know it, and whose sole raison d'etre consists of waging war against God and his Church." (De Poncins, Freemasonry and the Vatican, p. 45)
Leon de Poncins uses Jewish sources to argue that Freemasonry is closely related to Judaism. For example, Rabbi Elle Benamozegh wrote: "Masonic theology corresponds well enough to that of the Kabbala...(Israel et L'Humanite, p.73)
De Poncins cites an article that appeared in 1861 in a Parisian Jewish Review La Verite Israelite: "But the spirit of Freemasonry is that of Judaism in its most fundamental beliefs; its ideas are Judaic, its language is Judaic, its very organization, almost, is Judaic... "
De Poncins writes that the goal of both Freemasonry and Judaism is the unification of the world under Jewish law. (Freemasonry and the Vatican, p. 76)
Judeo Masonic culture hasn't been all-bad. It has allowed us to accept our sexual desires without guilt and given us the freedom to find God again on our own terms. However these benefits are unintended. The ultimate aim is to divorce us from God and enslave us to our sexual and material lusts, i.e. to arrest our development.
Like a scientist who begins with a hypothesis, I am offering this as a paradigm. You must decide if it helps to explain the world. Obviously I am just scratching the surface, and welcome guidance from people who are better informed than I.
But I have no doubt that mankind is being subverted by its political and cultural leaders, beholden to international bankers and their allies, who often are practising Luciferians. They use Judaism (incl. Zionism) and Freemasonry as instruments of organization and control. Obviously the majority of Jews and Freemasons are unaware or do not believe this.
I'm afraid spiritual and psychological enslavement is but a prelude to a political and economic one. Since 9-11, we are sheep grazing in sight of an abattoir.
Cultural Marxism
The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture
There should be a POISON symbol over the doors of our universities, cinemas and art galleries. There should be a similar warning on our TV, music and videos.
In the 1920's, leaders of the Communist International decided that Western society was too strong to conquer. It was necessary to weaken it by subverting its cultural institutions--family, education, religion, art, mass media and government.
They have largely succeeded. While maintaining these institutions in their familiar format, they have subtly changed the content. It's like lacing a bottle of aspirin with arsenic. The purpose is to gradually poison, paralyse and eventually destroy us.
We are noticing that our political and cultural leaders are mostly cowards, dupes, traitors, crooks, opportunists and impostors rewarded by how much harm they can do.
Our failure to combat Communism is due to a misunderstanding of its real nature. We imagine it is a discredited movement, devoted to social justice, equality and public ownership. Millions of idealists, including myself, were duped.
In fact, Communism is an international phenomenon that invaded Russia and China. It is the creation of a satanic cult (the Illuminati) formed in 1776 by international bankers. It is designed to put all the world's wealth in their hands, and eventually to reduce and enslave the human race. The 5-pointed Red Star of Communism is also the symbol of Satan-worship. A demonic virus, Communism has morphed into countless forms (such as feminism) and is hoodwinking more people than ever.
Western Civilization is built on Christianity, the premise that God is real, in fact the ultimate and only permanent Reality, a spiritual one. Through man's Divine soul, the ordinary individual can discern the Divine Will without mediation from a worldly authority. This is why the bankers hate Christianity.
God is the Truth, Love, Beauty and Goodness to which we aspire. This moral order precludes a small clique monopolizing the world's wealth. So the bankers set out to destroy our belief in a Divine Order by promoting Darwinism, Existentialism etc. They promote war, depression and terror so we will demand their "antidote": the New World Order.
In his brilliant essay, "The Frankfurt School and Political Correctness" Michael Minnichino describes how most of the fashionable intellectual and artistic movements in the 20th century, still in vogue today, were actually inspired by thinkers who were Commintern (Communis
t International) agents financed by the central bankers. Some of them actually worked for Soviet Intelligence right into the 1960's.
He writes: "The task [of the Frankfurt School] was first to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy through an "abolition of culture" ...and second, to determine new cultural forms which would increase the alienation of the population, thus creating a "new barbarism." ...The purpose of modern art, literature and music must be to destroy the uplifting potential of art, literature and music..."
Funds came from "various German and American universities, the Rockefeller Foundation, the American Jewish Committee, several American intelligence services..."
This subversive movement "represents almost the entire theoretical basis of all the politically correct aesthetic trends which now plague our universities." They are associated with Post Modernism, Feminism, Cultural Studies, Deconstructionism, Semiotics, etc.
Their net effect is to divorce us from truth, social cohesion and our cultural heritage. They assert that reality is unknowable and that writers and artists are in fact depicting themselves. For example, postmodernist Hayden White writes, "historical narratives are verbal fictions, the contents of which are more invented than found...truth and reality are primarily authoritarian weapons of our times." In other words, we cannot know what happened in the past (which is exactly what they want us to believe.)
Postmodernism is part of the authoritarian agenda. Similarly the Frankfurt School championed the notion that "authoritarianism" is caused by religion, male leadership, and family, when these things actually uphold society.
As far as the humanities and social sciences are concerned, universities are enemy territory and professors usually are obstacles to genuine learning.
The same applies to the mass media, which the central bankers own and control. We imagine that books, movies and music are commercially or artistically motivated. This is not true. Elite brainwashers discovered they could sell almost anything as long as it is hyped and adheres to a familiar format. Thus the hidden agenda of entertainment is social engineering, Satanism, sex and violence. Musician Wes Penre says stars are selected not for talent but because they advance the elite agenda. He writes:
"Their task is to demoralize our youth, to create a society where no one is able to think for themselves (contrary to what the pop culture is trying to teach us about the "rebellious" rock music). The Art Industry creates "Icons" with degrading and satanic messages, who are supposed to take the place of God. The musicians are also often acting degraded and high or low on drugs, so their fans start acting the same. The purpose is to create apathy and decay. Quite a few artists also put subliminal backward messages in their music, like Led Zeppelin, Michael Jackson, The Eagles, and more...."
Many musicians died young due to "drug overdoses" because they tried to buck the agenda.
This also explains the obsession with romance in popular music. Love and sex are intended to distract us from everything else.
Increasingly, there is a lesbian message in popular music. For example, the Dixie Chicks scorn men and celebrate female independence. In one song, women self-righteously murder a man who gave his wife a black eye. Young women sing these songs and identify.
A friend noticed his Dixie Chick-singing girlfriend has been psychologically neutered. She thinks becoming a wife and mother will cramp her style.
Ever wonder why there hasn't been a truthful movie about real American heroes like Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh (Post "The Spirit of St. Louis"), Huey Long, Louis McFadden and Whittaker Chambers? They opposed the banker agenda.
Just as we need healthy food and exercise, our mind and soul needs truth and beauty. We need to see life portrayed honestly, with the real forces identified. Instead, we are deliberately deceived and poisoned by a small financial elite with a diabolical plan.
Whether it's school or mass media, we are bombarded with propaganda designed to produce alienation and dysfunction. We must protect ourselves from this poison before it is too late.
The good news is that modern culture, based on the premise there is no inherent purpose or positive design in human life, has been exposed. It is a long-term Illuminati psy-op designed to demoralize us. It will fail.
Is Local Legislature a Disguised Pagan Temple?
Not five miles from my Winnipeg home is the Manitoba legislature. In November, the Winnipeg Free Press ran a 15-part series revealing how the legislature building is similar in numerous ways to a pagan Egyptian temple.
For example, Researcher Frank Albo found that the Lieut. Gov.'s reception room has precisely the same measurements as the "Holy of Holies," the sacred chamber in Solomon's Temple, which housed the Ark of the Covenant. It is symbolic of the Master's Lodge where the most sacred rites of Freemasonry are performed. The Entrance Hall is 66.6 ft by 66.6 ft and boasts three sets of 13 steps each. etc.
Albo discovered that nearly everyone involved in the construction from 1914 to 1920, was a Freemason, including the Paris-trained architect, the contractor, the Premier and almost his whole government. The temple, replete with colonnades, murals, sphinxes and statues of famous Masons cost three times as much as other provincial legislatures.
In 1911, the Manitoba Free Press commented that the architectural competition smacked of a "frame-up with some ulterior object in view." (Dec. 9, 1911) (In fact a scandal over costs and corruption which erupted in 1915 cost the Premier his job and sent the contractor to jail.)
If the legislature is indeed a disguised pagan temple, the implications are staggering:
This building ostensibly represents the public. It seems that, even in 1912, an occult secret society, the Freemasons, controlled society with relative impunity and dispensed patronage.
They built a temple instead of a legislature. Did they contemplate the overthrow of democracy and the installation of an authoritarian pagan theocracy, presumably the Masonic hierarchy?
Built for the ages, is the legislature intended to become a religious center in the New World Order, perhaps after a nuclear war? Is the temple going to be the seat of government? Obviously I want to be wrong about all of this.
However, experts like lawyer Constance Cumbey says that the money elites are preparing exactly this kind of "New Age" government and religion.
Freemasonry is empowered by the London-based central banking cartel as a way of corrupting and controlling society. Privately they refer to Freemasonry as "a madhouse but at liberty."
Does Freemasonry serve the devil? Does a benevolent society have to be secret? Does it threaten to cut the throat of initiates who talk? Does it demand its members assist each other even when they are breaking the law or being immoral?
Freemasonry pretends to be concerned with moral uplift. Given its incredible power, is the world becoming a better place? "Know them by their fruit."
In fact, the Illuminati literally represent a malevolent supernatural force that is waging pitiless war on humanity. It is gradually creating Hell on earth.
It wages war-using war. It turns us against each other by deceiving and dividing us. The enemy is not ordinary people, many of whom have based their identity on falsehoods. We need to unite against the puppet masters and their agents.
The Freemasons have a philosophy of "hiding in plain view." Theirs is an "open conspiracy." That means they'll talk about it openly but then deny or prevaricate if there is any heat. Their Luciferian power is rising before our eyes but if someone notices, he is attacked and called "paranoid."
Illuminati symbolism is on the US Great Seal and the US dollar bill. It is in the logos of countless corporations. CBS, AOL, Exxon, Shell. The horned goat satanic symbol is becoming omnipresent, especially among youth. They are using it to advertise Yahoo Messenger now. Of course, they'll say it represents something else. That's how it works.
/> I can't go anywhere without seeing the new logo of the city of Winnipeg. It has Illuminati motifs. A dot in a circle evokes the original Illuminati symbol , representing the Eye of Horus, or the sexual act. This is over a swoosh representing the sunrise, i.e. the Sun, or Lucifer the light bringer.
This logo is on all City of Winnipeg buses and trucks. Winnipeg always has been an occult headquarters. At the center of the continent, apparently part of the earth's "energy grid" runs right through the legislature. Recently the province adopted the motto "Spirited Energy."
After attending a seance here in 1923, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote, "Winnipeg stands very high among the places we have visited for psychic possibilities."
(Between 1870 and 1970, Manitoba had 12 Premiers who were masons. Several city mayors were also masons, including Francis Cornish, Winnipeg's first mayor. Between 1870 and and 1924, over 140 masonic lodges were established in Manitoba and, between 1875 and 1970, 86 masonic corner stones were laid in public buildings throughout the province, including city hall, many churches and many schools.)
There are probably a lot of public buildings that have been surreptitiously co-opted by the Freemasons. The Israeli Supreme Court immediately comes to mind.
There are too many occult symbols in the Manitoba Legislature to mention. The most obvious is the statue of the "Golden Boy" on the dome. Manitobans have been told that he represents "Spirit of Enterprise."
In fact he is Hermes, the god of alchemy, patron of the occult and messenger to the underworld. Sculptural groups representing the noble elements Earth Water Air and Fire, (the materia prima of the Hermetic alchemist) surround him on the dome.