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Hermes promises to lift man to god-like status by virtue of "secret knowledge" rather than by self-purification and devotion to God, (justice, truth and Love.) He is facing north, which apparently also has ominous connotations.
When the Free Press series ran in November, there was a lot of interest from Manitobans but few no objections. No people seemed to mind that a public institution representing freedom and prosperity for Manitobans was taken over by an occult society for its own bizarre purpose, at taxpayers expense.
In Letters to the Editor, only two commented on the fact that the political heart of an ostensibly Christian society, (at least in 1912) should be represented by heathen symbolism.
The Freemasons seem happy to hide in plain sight. Ronald Stern and Bob Stern, local textile tycoons, bought the Winnipeg Free Press in 2001. Shortly after, the Bnai B'rith, a Jewish Masonic Order, honored them. The newspaper would not have run this series if Freemasons were afraid to reveal their handiwork.
We live in a world where a large segment of the leadership class has sold itself, if not to Satan, to people who worship Satan.. This is what happens when we eschew genuine religion in favor of diversity and secularism. We don't get religious neutrality, tolerance and freedom. We get paganism and Satanism. In hindsight, the "separation of church and state" was a tactic by which dark forces have discredited God and taken control of society.
Satan's success is partly due to our failure to revitalize our image of God. God is the principle of our own development. We can no more deny our need for Him than our need for oxygen. As far as humanity is concerned, God represents our spiritual ideals: peace, harmony, beauty, truth, goodness, justice and love.
God depends on us to do His work. He is not a magician. He is the Creator. He works through us. Worshiping God is as simple as telling the truth and doing the right thing.
Prophesies of tribulation and doom can be self fulfilling. The Messiah may not appear. We need to use our common sense. The port is reached mostly by avoiding the rocks.
John Kerry
& The Soviet Art of Brainwashing
The New World Order increasingly resembles a '50's Sci-Fi movie where the protagonist discovers his family and neighbors have been brainwashed and he begins to question his own sanity.
If you watched the Democratic National Convention, you might be feeling the same way.
Fifty per cent of Americans, and probably 80% of Democrats, believe Iraq is a tragic and unnecessary blunder, yet John Kerry promises more of the same, only better.
Democracy is about giving the people a real choice. Yet no one questioned this.
There was hardly a dissenting voice at the convention. Everyone applauded on cue. Even Howard Dean seemed lobotomized. He now liked the war. He'd learned his lesson.
Protestors were stuck in a cage three blocks away.
Is this America's vaunted "Freedom"? Nuremberg with straw hats and balloons?
Democrats chanted like first-graders: "We can do better." "Help is on the way."
They were treated like simpletons and they stooped to the challenge. The appeal was to mawkish sentiment not to intellect or reason.
Hallelujah! Kerry is going to cure cancer! Believe in him!
And the weird thing is, you want to! But this man can't even be candid about his Jewish ancestry, that of his wife, and his membership with George W. Bush in the satanic Skull and Bones.
In a slip of the tongue, Kerry pledged more forces for "terrorist work."
He quickly corrected himself: "anti-terrorist work."
Americans are told they are under siege and must give up the protection of the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
It doesn't matter that there hasn't been a terrorist attack in the US for almost three years. There have been no reports of apprehended attacks, arrests and trials. This is right out of the textbook on how dictatorships operate.
In the future, sanity will be based on your willingness to accept lying platitudes such as those peddled by John Kerry and George Bush.
Future? It's already happening. Those who expose the elite conspiracy are "right wing fanatics," "anti Semites", "hate mongers" and "conspiracy nuts."
Now, I refer you to "The Soviet Art of Brainwashing," a textbook that was used in Communist training schools both in the USA and Russia starting in the 1930's.
Remember Communism was never a "working class revolt." It was created by the Illuminati (Kabalistic bankers and British-American bluebloods like Bush and Kerry) to control the common man and enact their one-world dictatorship.
The textbook suggests that we are currently the subjects of mass hypnosis, which relies on trauma through the application of terror.
"In order to induce a high state of hypnosis in an individual, a group, or a population, an element of terror must always be present on the part of those who would govern." (Part II, Ch.6)
But if we say so, we are "paranoid."
"The by-word should be built into the society that paranoia is a condition "in which the individual believes he is being attacked by Communists." It will be found that this defence is effective." (II-Ch 10)
"The populace must be brought into the belief that every individual within it who rebels ... against the efforts and activities to enslave the whole, must be considered to be a deranged person ...and... be given electric shocks, and reduced into unimaginative docility for the remainder of his days." (II-Ch.12)
Communists (elite Satanists) view man as (I quote) "a mechanism without individuality." He is "basically an animal" with a "civilized veneer." Like an animal, he can be forced to believe and do anything given the right combination of terror, deception, drugs and brute force.
The goal of "psycho politics" is to "produce the maximum chaos in the culture of the enemy," and to "leave a nation leaderless." The textbook advocates the use of doctors, social workers, psychiatrists and the whole field of "mental healing" to bring about the Satanic goal.
Mental healers are not suppose to heal anyone, and are instructed to drive out competent people.
"Mental health organizations must carefully delete from their ranks anyone actually proficient in the handling or treatment of mental health." (II Ch. 9)
"The psycho political operative should also spare no expense in smashing out of existence, by whatever means, any actual healing group, such as that of acupuncture, in China; such as Christian Science, Dianetics and faith healing in the United States; such as Catholicism in Italy and Spain; and the practical psychological groups of England." (II-9)
The textbook claims Communists took over the Freudian movement and the field of psychoanalysis, which has been "made fashionable," and is useful because of its "stress on sex." This serves the purposes of "degradation" and "defamation of character" i.e. blackmail. (II-9)
"Recruitment into the ranks of "mental healing" can best be done by carefully bringing to it only those healing students who are, to some slight degree, already depraved, or who have been "treated" by psycho political operatives. Recruitment is effected by making the field of mental healing very attractive, financially, and sexually."
"The promise of unlimited sexual opportunities, the promise of complete dominion over the bodies and minds of helpless patients, the promise of having lawlessness without detection, can thus attract to "mental healing" many desirable recruits who will willingly fall in line with psycho political activities." (II-13)
Alfred Kinsey is a prime example of the "psycho political operative." In "The Kinsey Report" (1948) Kinsey influenced heterosexuals to adopt homosexual behaviour by lying about his surveys. Hollywood celebrated him in the movie starring Liam Neeson.
Clearly "psycho political operatives" have infiltrated all institutions: military, religion, law, mass media, education and business. They have infiltrated all religions and political parties of every stripe. In the
US, they
are coordinated by the CFR, CIA, the Rockefeller network of Foundations, NGO's, think tanks, professional associations and Freemasonry.
Here are some more instructions for these operatives:
"You must work until "religion" is synonymous with "insanity. You must work until the officials of city, county and state governments will not think twice before they pounce upon religious groups as public enemies." (II-14)
"Movements to improve youth should be invaded and corrupted, as this might interrupt campaigns to produce in youth delinquency, addiction, drunkenness, and sexual promiscuity." (II-15)
Seek out " the leaders in the country's future, and educate them into the belief of the animalistic nature of Man. This must be made fashionable. They must be taught to frown upon ideas, upon individual endeavour. They must be taught, above all things that the salvation of Man is to be found only by his adjusting thoroughly to this environment. ...Nations, which have high ethical tone, are difficult to conquer." (II-8)
As you can see, the gradual degradation of Western society, the obsession with possessions, pleasure, sex (pornography), violence and trivia, is not random or commercial in nature. It is a deliberate preparation for destruction and tyranny.
TV Commercials
Corporations Have Subversive Social Agenda
Nestle is using candy to peddle lesbianism (or vice versa) in a deceitful socially destructive television campaign. Their Aero chocolate bar commercial is the best example. Two severe-looking young women (in masculine dress with cropped hair) are in the office lunchroom. With obvious allusions to oral sex, one instructs the other on how to let the Aero bar melt in her mouth slowly.
She places it in her friend's mouth.
"Put it on your tongue."
"Don't bite it."
"Can you feel the bubbles?" "The bubbles are melting."
They have an orgasmic experience. "Pure chocolate pleasure."
The scene naturally draws the attention of a nerdy male. They ignore him and he goes away. The male is redundant.
Nestle is currently targeting teenage girls with a revised version. The girls are young and feminine so the lesbian message is even more reprehensible.
Imagine if the commercial were different. Imagine that a handsome male is instructing a comely adult female on the sensual properties of this chocolate bar. She blushes, aroused.
Imagine that a butchy female is attracted to the scene. She is ignored.
I'm not advocating the use of sex to manipulate people but you get the point. Commercials like these contribute to the lesbian chic sweeping Western countries. Considering that 97% of the market is heterosexual, they are clearly designed to sabotage the social fabric which is based on heterosexuality.
The Nestle ad is typical of scores of commercials that attack heterosexuals by patronizing women and denigrating men.
In an award winning 2002 ad for Heinz Microwavable soups, a man rolls off a woman after having sex. The unsatisfied woman goes to the kitchen where a microwave has been set for two minutes. She removes and eats her soup. The blatant message: soup, not men is the source of happiness.
Now picture this commercial if her sex partner had been another woman. That would be "intolerance" and "hate." (Human rights are applied selectively in the NWO.)
The academic literature in this area is predictable. It complains that commercials enforce traditional gender roles. In fact, today traditional gender roles are usually undermined. Women's groups would be howling if ads portrayed women the way men are portrayed.
For example, there is a commercial for Alfredo sauce where a father is making supper.
His 10-year-old daughter keeps needling him, "Are you sure mommy isn't mad at you?"
He keeps denying it, but finally her question gets under his skin.
"Did she say anything?" he asks timidly.
This man is abused. Imagine if the ad portrayed a woman living in fear of her husband's wrath. Imagine the daughter repeating, "Are you sure Daddy isn't mad at you?"
"Did he say anything?"
This ad teaches men to be wimps and girls to manipulate males by having tantrums.
A Swanson's TV Dinners commercial completely unsexes the father:
"Working mom asked for a big bowl she can eat on the run. Swanson responded. [Mom rushing off to work.]
Kids wanted something for after school. Swanson responded.
[Happy kids enjoying snack.]
Dad wanted to wear mom's frilly under things! We didn't know how to respond." [Father shown with goofy embarrassed smile.]
Message: Mothers are responsible providers. Fathers are sexually ambiguous twits.
In this context, I should mention the "Whiskas" cat food campaign that encourages young women to substitute cats for male leadership. "Only cats can be cats," is the message.
Each commercial shows men emulating cats: clawing at the curtains, playing with yarn or lying on the couch.
Well they finally did it. They now have a commercial that shows a man taking a dump in a litter box. Can you imagine if they degraded a woman in this way?
Bruce Miller, director of marketing for Whiskas, said the company's consumer research showed that cats are in charge. "We had women in the focus group say, 'If my husband behaved that way, I wouldn't put up with it. But my cat does, and I love him for it.' "
In other words, women are in charge of the male-female relationship. "Only cats can be men."
Have you seen this General Motors commercial? The young male has to race his girlfriend down 20 floors for the right to drive the car first! Or the one where the woman orders the man out of the car after he makes a remark about "women drivers." Message: Women kick male butt.
This 2007 Cadillac commercial (entitled "Khakis") depicts white males scurrying like mice at the appearance of the office cat. To a chorus of "Here Comes Success" a young woman strides confidently through the office intimidating the young slackers who are in various states of idleness.
In one office, a man smells his armpit. Another man is doing Tai Chi. Another takes his feet off his desk. Another is eating. Another throws up his arms in submission. There is no way to impress her; she is unattainable. While they include minorities, there is not one women in the ranks of these slackers!
The young goddess finds herself alone in an elevator with a male co-worker. When she says, "Hi Chris," the pen in his pocket spurts ink, suggesting he cannot contain his excitement. Premature ejaculation = impotence.
The goddess notices and smirks. In the next scene, she is driving away in her Cadillac. She thinks about Chris and laughs triumphantly. It is not enough that she is "successful"; the satisfaction is in lording it over men.
The message on the screen is "Enjoy the Driver's Seat." Then the Cadillac emblem appears with another message "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of [Success]". But where is she going? Home to an empty apartment? What man would put up with her?
This commercial demonstrates that female empowerment is really about degrading and emasculating men so they will accept subjugation in the New World Order.
The Swiss-based food giant with annual sales in excess of $60 billion fosters sexual dysfunction for both commercial and political reasons.
Dysfunctional women gorge on candy. When women's natural instincts and desires are frustrated, they make a beeline for chocolate.
In a third Nestle ad, this time for Kit Kat Chunkies, two male teenage slackers ponder the question, "How do we know we are taking a break when we are never doing anything anyway?" By eating Kit Kat Chunkies, of course.
These commercials shape the way young males and females view themselves and interact. They reinforce feelings of male impotence and female power, independence and androgyny. Men can't humiliate themselves enough for these sexless unapproachable God-like females. These attitudes may prevent healthy relationships from developing.
A reader
points out that Nestle's political agenda is called the "UN Global Compact." He writes: "If one views the websites of most large corporations it becomes evident they are getting their values and policies from the same source."
The constant inflation of women and disparagement of men produces sexual dysfunction that undermines the family and renders men politically impotent.
Nestle is a leader in elite social engineering designed to breed a slave race.
The "Red Symphony" Series
Part One: Rothschilds Conduct "Red Symphony"
Incredible and bizarre as it sounds, humanity is indeed the victim of a diabolical conspiracy.
War, depression and genocide in the past century were not accidental or inevitable but the result of malevolent design.
Shocking evidence is a 1938 Stalinist police (NKVD) interrogation of a founder of the Communist International, Christian G. Rakovsky, 65, who was facing execution for plotting to overthrow Stalin.
The 50-page transcript of his interrogation, dubbed "The Red Symphony," was not meant to become public. It confirms that the Rothschild-Illuminati planned to use Communism to establish a world dictatorship of the super rich.
This is perhaps the most explosive political document in modern history. It reveals why the Illuminati created Hitler and then sought to destroy him, and why Stalin made a pact with Hitler in 1939.
Christian Rakovsky was a veteran Communist insider. Born Chaim Rakeover in 1873, he studied medicine in France before becoming a revolutionary. He was the leader of a terror group that attacked government officials.
In 1919, Lenin put him in charge of the Soviet Ukraine government. He successfully kept the area for the Bolsheviks during the Civil War. Stalin appointed him Russian ambassador to Paris in 1925.