Cruel Hoax Page 8
Alfred Kinsey pretended to be a Conservative family man. In fact, he died prematurely of orchitis, a disease associated with masturbation, impotence and self-mutilation. He seduced his male students and forced his wife and associates to perform in homemade pornographic films. ("orchitis" Reisman, p. 278)
Reisman concludes: "America's growing libidinous pathologies... taught in schools...and reflected in our fine and popular arts, the press, law and public policy largely mirror the documented sexual psychopathologies of the Kinsey team itself."
Sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation, Kinsey's goal was "to supplant what he saw as a narrow pro-creational Judeo Christian era with a promiscuous "anything goes" bi/gay pedophile paradise." (Reisman, Crafting Gay Children: An Inquiry, p.4)
Hugh Hefner said the Kinsey Report "produced a tremendous sexual awakening, largely because of media attention..." This shows how the elite orchestrates social change using media hype and the power of advertising (in Playboy.) (See Reisman, Kinsey, p.307)
With messianic fervor, Playboy took its gospel of sexual freedom to the American male who in the 1950's-1960's still consecrated sex for marriage. Playboy's aim, the aim of all pornographers, was to hook men on the glossy fantasy. To do this, they had to prevent them from finding true satisfaction in marriage.
In Reisman's words, "Playboy was the first national magazine to exploit college men's fears of women and family commitment. Playboy offered itself as a reliable, comforting substitute for monogamous heterosexual love." (Judith Reisman, "Soft Porn Plays Hardball," p 47)
Supposed enemies, Playboy and radical feminists, found common ground in hatred of the nuclear family. As a result, society now suffers from epidemics of family breakdown, pornography, impotence, child sexual abuse, sado-sexual violence, teen pregnancy, a cocktail of STD's and, of course, AIDS.
I define homosexuality as a developmental disorder caused by an inability to establish a permanent bond with a member of the opposite sex. Psychologist Richard Cohen, in "Coming Out Straight: Understanding and Healing Homosexuality" (2000) argues it is caused when a male child fails to bond with his father. By having sex with men, the adult gay is trying to compensate for father-love denied in adolescence.
Dr. Charles Socarides confirms that "most men caught up in same-sex sex are reacting, at an unconscious level, to something amiss with their earliest upbringing-over controlling mothers and abdicating fathers. Through long observation I have also learned that the supposedly liberated homosexual is never really free. In his multiple, same-sex adventures, even the most effeminate gay was looking to incorporate the manhood of others, because he was in a compulsive, never-ending search for the masculinity that was never allowed to build and grow in early childhood." ("How America Went Gay")
Psychiatrist Jeffrey Satinover has pointed to another cause of homosexuality. A 1990 survey of 1000 gays shows that an older or more powerful partner physically assaulted 37% of them before the age of 19. ("Homosexuality and American Public Life," 1999, p.24) In addition, according to Anne Moir in "Why Men Don't Iron," some men may be "born gay" due to foetal hormone imbalances. They seem to be a minority.
For many decades, gays were told that they were "sick" and cruelly persecuted. The gay activist solution: convince the world that, in fact, it is heterosexuals who are sick. In 1973, they bullied the American Psychological Association into pronouncing homosexuality normal. It was no longer a disorder but a healthy and normal "sexual preference." Psychiatrists who felt otherwise were ostracized. Their lectures were cancelled; their books and articles rejected; their promotions denied. Is this the way science should work? (See on line "How America Went Gay")
Together with feminists, gay activists began to dismantle all heterosexual institutions: masculinity, femininity, marriage, the nuclear family, the boy scouts, sports, and the military.
Backed by the financial elite, gay activists and their supporters now largely dictate our cultural sensibility. They are partly responsible for the puerile pornographic obsession that pervades television, music videos and the Internet. Now we all suffer from the homosexual disorder, which I believe is arrested development.
Gay liberation manuals talk about "normalizing" their sexuality
and "de-sensitizing" straights by flaunting it. I was livid when I took my 10-year-old son to see Adam Sandler's movie "Billy Madison" and heard one teenage male youth in the film casually ask another: "Would you rather bone Pamela Anderson or a young Jack Nicholson?"
Last week, on TV's "Will and Grace," Jack who is gay dons an apron that says "Kiss the cook" pretending he thought the second "o" was a "c". Just as Communists once conned do-gooders to think radicalism was chic, gay activists define trendy for gullible liberals today.
Gay and feminist activists think traditional morality was invented to perpetuate an unjust status quo. In fact, morality is the accumulated wisdom of mankind regarding what is healthy and ultimately fulfilling. Perversion is deviation from what is healthy.
Heterosexual morality places sex in the context of love and/or marriage because it is healthy and human. It ensures that the most profound and intimate physical act between two people expresses a corresponding emotional-spiritual bond. Promiscuous sex is a desperate plea for love. Love and marriage answer that call and provide for the natural and necessary outcome of sex, children.
With Hugh Hefner's help, Alfred Kinsey detached sex from love and procreation. Homosexual activists champion anonymous sex: a majority of gays have over a dozen partners each year. In less extreme form, heterosexuals have adopted this model. Recently a social columnist enviously described straight friends whose relationships have ended: "they're out partying, having the time and the sex of their lives."
In conclusion, the "sexual revolution" was really a triumph of an elite program of arrested development. Courtship and sex fixation represent a stage of life. After marriage we move on to more important things. The elite agenda is to make sex a lifelong preoccupation.
In 40 short years, almost all sexual constraints have dissolved and heterosexual society is on the defensive. Cultural and social breakdown will only worsen unless there is a counterrevolution.
Gay Marriage
Heterosexual Society is Under Siege
Heterosexuals are under attack in many places. In Canada, the government has changed the legal definition of marriage in order to allow gays to marry. To satisfy marriage-minded gays, less than .5% of the population, the meaning of the central heterosexual sacrament has been altered. This is an obvious sleight-of-hand designed to undermine heterosexuality. They could have given gays a separate but equal-to-marriage status. Instead, they are telling heterosexuals that they are the same as homosexuals.
Marriage is a heterosexual institution designed to join a couple for life and begin a family. Imagine if, in the name of "equality," heterosexuals had "gay pride" parades? What if Muslims started celebrating Passover? People have a right to protect their institutions from outsiders who wish to co-opt and change them.
In 1994 gay activist Michelangelo Signorile advocated seeking gay marriage and benefits in order to "redefine the institution completely... and radically alter an archaic institution." (Out Magazine, Dec-Jan 1994 p. 161.)
The campaign to change the heterosexual norm is intensifying. Straights need to realize that they are under siege from big government and big business.
In Vancouver, parents narrowly blocked homosexual activists from placing their books on kindergarten curriculum. In the U.S., the American Psychiatric Association came under heavy pressure to remove pedophilia (sex with children) from its list of mental disorders. Newsweek featured same-sex couples attending their high school proms. "Instead of sparking controversy, schools are saying, what's the big deal?"
The majority of homosexuals are good people who want to be left alone. However, elite foundations and corporations fund h
omosexual organizations to destroy the heterosexual fabric of society.
Gay activists pretend they are seeking "tolerance" and "equality." But privately they admit to a hidden agenda: To reshape society in their own image. They don't care how much harm they do.
"The end goal of the feminist revolution is the elimination of the sex distinction itself," says Shulamith Firestone (The Dialectic of Sex, 1972, p.11)
"Heterosexual hegemony is being eroded," writes Gary Kinsman. "The forms of sexuality considered natural have been socially created and can be socially transformed." (The Regulation of Desire: Sexuality in Canada, 1987, p.219)
"In a free society, everyone will be gay," says Allen Young, a pioneer of the Gay Liberation Movement. (John D'Emilio, Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America, p.322)
"In one sense the Right is right," says gay historian Jonathan Katz. "If gay and lesbian liberationists ever achieve full equality, they will do away with the social need for the hetero/homo division.
The secret of the most moderate, mainstream gay and lesbian civil rights movement is its radically transformative promise (or threat, depending on your values)." (The Invention of Heterosexuality, 1995, p.188.)
Gay and feminist activists find common ground because they insist male-female distinctions are artificial, ignoring all scientific evidence. While many heterosexuals might consider themselves "feminists", feminism is a homosexual movement. It believes that men and women are the same and only social conditioning makes us different. Homosexuality is love of the same.
Today, gay and feminist activists want "people" to make love to "people" regardless of their sex. They depict normal heterosexual behaviour as pathological. Men are inherently abusive and the heterosexual family is oppressive. The way to social justice is to abolish heterosexuality altogether. (Isn't this "hate"?)
Illuminati-Marxism spawned both the Gay and Woman's liberation movements by transferring Marxist class conflict to gender. The "patriarchy" (male-dominated heterosexual family) is the root of all evil and must be destroyed ("transformed"). Women (the proletariat) and anyone "oppressed" (gays, certain favored minorities) must be handed position and power on a silver platter.
The Illuminati's "revolutionary" goal is the "New World Order" or authoritarian socialism run by monopoly capital. It is big government in the service of big business, the Left in the service of the Right.
Why have straights endured this attack passively?
The gay-feminists have waged their war with impunity by claiming a bogus victim status. Straights can't even defend their own sexuality for fear of accusations of "homophobia" and "sexism." These days anyone who does not want to be gay is considered homophobic.
Typical of Communists, they practice deceit. They attracted widespread support by pretending to champion women when in fact they always had a revolutionary homosexual agenda. Now politicians and media are in massive denial because they have put these radicals in charge of education. The situation is comparable to the liberal refusal in the late 1940's to admit the government was riddled with Soviet spies. This was the same phenomenon: Rockefeller Communism.
Many public schools virtually "break the ice" for gays. For example, the Grade Seven curriculum in Ontario introduces 12-yearold children to oral and anal sex.
Phyllis Benedict, president of the Ontario Elementary Teacher's Federation said the union is "trying to promote a more positive [homosexual] environment in schools." (National Post, Aug.16, 2001)
This extends to undermining the heterosexual family by reading books like "Aasha's Moms" and "Two Dads, Brown Dads, Blue Dads."
On the other hand, heterosexuality is virtually a taboo. Our children's textbooks have been rewritten to eliminate any hint that men and women might be different, live in traditional families, or behave in "stereotypical" ways.
As a university lecturer, I tried to teach novelists like D.H. Lawrence who portrayed male-female love in positive terms. I was accused of "sexual harassment" by feminist activists and lost my job. (Sexual harassment is now defined as anything that makes a radical feminist uncomfortable.)
As heterosexuals, we cannot explore our sexuality because homosexuals may be "uncomfortable." This has led to the demoralization of society. We cannot celebrate men as masculine and women as feminine. We do not celebrate heterosexual love, the greatest gift that life offers us.
This daily denial of our sexual identity amounts to persecution. It used to be 'live and let live.' Now illuminati-sponsored gay and feminist activists will not let us live.
In an episode of the TV show Friends, Rachel avoids paying a speeding fine by flirting with the handsome traffic cop. Ross takes the steering wheel and is stopped for driving too slowly. Ross tries to flirt with the male cop. The message is that we can all go both ways,
even the cop. This is the reality behind the gay activist demand for "equality". Tolerance was never the real objective; we must be like them. It doesn't matter if we are comfortable as long as they are.
In Rochester, N.Y., Rolf Szabo a 23-year employee of Eastman Kodak Co. was fired solely because he objected to a pro-homosexual office memo. He did not adhere to the company's so-called "Winning & Inclusive Culture" designed to promote "diversity." This example of Soviet-style thought crime is not isolated.
Homosexual behaviour makes straights uncomfortable. Most men find the sight of two men kissing viscerally repulsive.
Gay families are not the same as ours. The adoption of straight children by gays denies the children's natural instincts and will probably affect their psychological development. Heterosexual children need heterosexual role models. In 20 years these children will be suing the government for millions of dollars.
Heterosexuals are being brainwashed to function "on the quiet," "out of the public view," so that we don't "offend" our gay brothers and sisters. There are exceptions but generally speaking our lifestyle and rituals are not celebrated in the movies or on TV. Instead they are portrayed in a jaundiced way.
Certainly, there is an obsession with male-female sex but mostly in homosexual terms, i.e. promiscuous and public. Heterosexuality is being part of the natural life cycle; it is not a sexual preference.
Non-gays, especially women, are naturally monogamous and private because heterosexuality ultimately is about exclusivity, intimacy, trust and procreation.
Heterosexual norms and institutions are routinely ridiculed and affronted in the media.
For example, in opening scene of the hit movie, American Wedding, (2003) which is aimed at impressionable teenagers, the future bride performs fellatio on the groom from under a table in a crowded restaurant.
At the wedding reception the groom's unruly friend accidentally has sex with the groom's grandmother in a dark closet. He thought he was making it with the bride's sluttish sister. The grandmother is so satisfied that she removes her objection to her grandson marrying a shiksa. In the final scene, another friend performs cunnilingus on the unruly friend's mother in a bubble bath.
This cultural assault on heterosexual norms is part of a long-term program by the financial elite to decrease population, destroy the family and destabilize society.
Far-fetched you say?
I have written more than two-dozen articles about how heterosexuality works. They resound with many people.
Agree or disagree with me, I haven't had a single interview or mention in the mainstream media. This is not sour grapes. It merely illustrates that our "free and open" society is bogus. We have freedom of speech. Being heard is another matter.
I urge you to read Dr. Charles Socarides' book "Homosexuality: A Freedom Too Far" to understand the true nature of homosexuality and the insidious campaign to mainstream it. I also recommend the web site of NARTH, a body of medical professionals dedicated
to a correct understanding and treatment of homosexuality. There is a wealth of information and wisdom here.
The cry of "equality," "tolerance" and "diversity" is the classic underhanded Communist- elite method of subverting society. They champion some minority whom they portray as victims. They divide and conquer, putting their minority agents in power. They call this "progress" when in fact it is social disintegration.
It's time to recognize that homo and heterosexuality are in fierce competition. The gay model does not fit heterosexuals and vice-versa. There can only be one model. The issue is: will ours be a heterosexual society that tolerates a 4% gay minority?
Or, will it be a homosexual society that persecutes a 96% straight majority? History has many examples of minorities that have persecuted majorities. Take Communism for example.
If straights don't establish the norms, gay activists will. When gay/feminist activists demand "equality," they are demanding that their unisex model fit all. They are saying that we are the same. We are not.
Rejecting the homosexual model is not "intolerance" or "hatred." It is defending our natural birthright and our families.
Heterosexual society is the victim of a most insidious form of persecution, psychological warfare. The real "haters" are gay-feminist activists, and the politicians, media, corporations and foundations that sustain them.
Fear of Gay Predators
Confessions of a "Homophobe"
I'm "coming out" as a homophobe and I urge people who agree with me to do the same. I am defining "homophobe" as someone who is afraid of homosexual activists, hence the suffix "phobia." Gay activists use this term to bludgeon opponents. Let's embrace it instead.