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  My 15-year-old son also inculcated this message from TV: "Women don't need sex," he said. "They're just doing men a favor." Sex and love have become horribly confused. When religion held sway, they were inseparable (i.e. marriage.)

  But today "sexual liberation" has freed sex from love. It has taken love's place. Millions of men and women behave like addicts. They use sex to assuage a desperate craving for intimacy that only love and marriage can satisfy.


  In the movie, "The Business of Strangers" writer/director Patrick Stettner explores how American women have traded love for the sterility, banality and inhumanity of corporate culture.

  While on a sales trip, two women are stranded overnight at an airport hotel. Stockard Channing plays "Julie Styron," a successful divorced 45-ish sales VP whose best friend is her secretary.

  Julia Stiles plays Paula Murphy, a tough 25-ish "writer" who handles the overhead.

  The movie shows how career has supplanted family for women like Styron. Feminism promised that women could have both, but in many cases this was a cruel hoax.

  Styron is fired without warning. But when she immediately lands an even better job as a CEO, she is oddly indifferent.


  In the hotel bar with Styron, Murphy recognizes Nick Harris, a corporate head-hunter who raped her best friend years ago at a frat party. Murphy lures him to Styron's suite and puts tranquilizers in his drink.

  After he passes out, the two women indulge in an orgy of hatred over his unconscious body. They undress him, cover him with obscene graffiti, smear blood and strike him. Both women clearly despise men. Murphy confides it was actually she whom he raped.

  However, later it emerges that Nick is a rapist in her mind only. Styron learns that he had never been to the city where the assault supposedly took place.

  Men are "rapists" because they are not giving women the love and validation they require. The result is resentment against men and self-loathing. First feminism makes women and men incompatible; then it exploits women's frustration and rage.


  Freud was unable to answer this question despite "thirty years of research into the feminine soul."

  Chaucer's "Wife of Bath" knew the answer: Woman wants to be loved. She'll do anything for love, even if it means becoming a feminist.

  What she really wants is for one man she respects to love her, and to be loyal and devoted.

  Many Western women today are dysfunctional because they are getting contradictory messages. Society tells them to be "strong and independent," but men don't like these women. Their behaviour is masculine and makes men feel redundant. Women are doing what society tells them to do; yet they are not getting the male approval they expect and need.

  Women are loved when they put their husband and children before themselves. It is feminine to self efface. Men love these women because they are willing to become part of them.


  A single friend characterized a typical date this way. He describes his work and seeks affirmation and respect. She describes her work and seeks affirmation and respect from him. They never see each other again. Already they are competing.

  This is NOT how heterosexuals mate. On a date, a man reveals himself and his vision of life. She decides if she's interested in him or not. If she is, she affirms him by her acceptance and encouragement. In marriage, she demonstrates her love by trusting him to take care of her interests.

  He also affirms her by seeking her acceptance. Yes, he also wants her to be capable and successful. But this recognition and nurturing come later.

  All successful organizations are hierarchical. The heterosexual family is male dominated. If you wanted to destroy it, you promote equality. As someone said, "Only a monster has two heads."


  It is mind-boggling but our politicians, media and educators are deliberately sabotaging society. Feminism like its Communist forebear dogmatically denies human sexual differences, such as the fact that men have 10 times the testosterone levels of women.

  There are over 900 Women's Studies Programs in the United States teaching impressionable young women to deny their femininity. According to "Issues in Feminism: An Introduction to Women's Studies" femininity is "patriarchal mind control." The "best slaves are the ones who don't even know they are slaves." Who authorized this indoctrination in lesbian dysfunction?

  Heterosexual society has been under sustained psychological attack designed to prevent marriage and family and arrest personal and social development. Feminism undermines marriage by encouraging women to deny their femininity and challenge men.

  Feminine women are characterized by selflessness. They are not hunters. They are not killers. They are a little vulnerable in a worldly sense. How do men respond to them? By wanting to nurture and protect them. This is how men love. This is what women want.

  In "The Business of Strangers" both women have become hunters. As a result, they hate men but worse they hate themselves. They need a man's love in order to love themselves again.

  Bikini vs. Burka

  The Debauchery of American Womanhood

  In my wall, I have a picture of a Muslim woman shrouded in a burka.

  Beside it is a picture of an American beauty contestant, wearing nothing but a bikini.

  One woman is totally hidden from the public; the other is totally exposed. These two extremes say a great deal about the clash of so-called "civilizations."

  The role of woman is at the heart of any culture. The war in the Middle East is about stripping Arabs of their oil, religion and culture, exchanging the burka for a bikini.

  I am not an expert on the condition of Muslim women and I love female beauty too much to advocate the burka here. But I am defending some of the values that the burka represents for me. For me, the burka represents a woman's consecration to her husband and family. Only they see her.

  It affirms the privacy, exclusivity and importance of the domestic sphere.

  The Muslim woman's focus is her home, the "nest" where her children are born and reared. She is the "home" maker, the taproot that sustains the spiritual life of the family, nurturing and training her children, providing refuge and support for her husband.

  In contrast, the bikinied American beauty queen struts practically naked in front of millions on TV. A feminist, in theory she belongs to herself. In practice, paradoxically, she is public property. She belongs to no one and everyone. She shops her body to the highest bidder. She is auctioning herself all of the time.

  In America, the cultural measure of a woman's value is her sex appeal. (As this asset depreciates quickly, she is neurotically obsessed with appearance and plagued by weight problems.)

  As an adolescent, her role model is Britney Spears, a singer whose act approximates strip tease. From Britney, she learns that she will be loved only for sex. Thus, she learns to "hook up" rather than demand patient courtship and love. As a result, dozens of males know her before her husband ever does. She loses her innocence, which is a large part of her charm. She becomes hardened and calculating. Unable to trust, she is unable to love and unfit to receive her husband's seed.


  The feminine personality is founded on the emotional relationship between mother and baby. It is based on nurturing and self-sacrifice.

  Masculine nature is founded on the relationship between hunter and prey. It is based on aggression and reason.

  Feminism teaches woman that she is oppressed as a result of being feminine and should emulate male behaviour instead. The result: a confused and aggressive woman with a large chip on her shoulder.

  This, of course, is the goal of the social engineers at the New World Order: undermine sexual identity and destroy the family, create social and personal dysfunction, and reduce population. In the "Brave New World," women are not supposed to be "nest" makers, or progenitors of the race. They are meant to be
neutered, autonomous creatures that indulge in sex for physical pleasure, not for love or procreation.

  At a press conference, Donald Rumsfeld said that Iranian women and youth were restive under the rule of the Mullahs. He implied that the US would soon liberate them. To Britney Spears? To low-rise "see-my-thong" pants? To the mutual masturbation that passes for sex in America?

  Parenthood is the pinnacle of human development. It is the stage when we finally graduate from self-indulgence and become God's surrogates: creating and nurturing new life.

  The New World Order does not want us to reach this level of maturity. Pornography is the substitute for marriage. We are to remain stunted: single, sex-starved and self-obsessed.

  We are not meant to have a permanent "private" life. We are not meant to get our identity from our masculinity or femininity. We are to remain lonely and neutered, worker drones, dependent on pop culture or products for our character.

  This is especially destructive for woman. Her sexual attraction is a function of her fertility. As fertility declines, so does her sex appeal. If a woman devotes her prime years to becoming "independent," she is not likely to find a permanent mate.

  Her long-term personal fulfillment and happiness lies in making marriage and family her first priority.

  Feminism is another cruel New World Order hoax that has debauched American women and despoiled Western civilization. It has ruined millions of lives and represents a lethal threat to Islam.

  I am not advocating the burka but rather some of the values that it represents, specifically a woman's consecration to her future husband and family, and the modesty and dignity this entails.

  The burka and the bikini represent two extremes. The answer lies somewhere in the middle.

  Demanding Love

  How Marriages Go Off the Rails

  "I'll kick your butt," my wife said. "You'll be crying like a little girl!"

  Even in jest, those were fighting words!

  It was Sunday evening and we were walking past a Jiu Jitsu school. My wife imagined she would become a black belt and teach me a lesson. She often feels resentful on Sundays because I spend them with my son.

  Why do women act more unlovable when they feel unloved? They assume independent airs, and put up barriers. They don't need you any more. It's feminism in miniature.

  My first reaction was, "Ok, fine. Do your thing. See if I care."

  But then I realized that this is how marriages go off the rails. Women demand love, and if men can't respond on cue, they get resentful. Then men get fed up. It's a vicious circle.

  I had to nip it in the bud.

  When we got home. I hugged my wife.

  "Look, you can't demand love. I don't respond to that."

  "Don't make an issue of love. Be patient, adaptable and have faith. That's what I respond to."

  "Be as independent as you like when it comes to your job and your interests. But when it comes to me, you must obey. You belong to me."

  Believe it or not, this is what she wanted to hear.

  A real woman is designed to finally shed her "independence" and become one with the man she loves.

  This view is not popular because for decades feminists have taught that women must be equal and independent. If you are happy in a feminist marriage, I congratulate you. But if marital happiness eludes you, consider what I have to say.

  Feminism is based on political notions that ignore and defy human nature.

  Most women are passive by nature. They want to be possessed and used for a worthwhile purpose. I suspect that many women want more control from their husband, not less. The feeling of "neglect" arises from not being needed, sexually and otherwise.

  Men have been conditioned not to lead and make demands. They are taught to be cool, laid back and have no plan. Women lose interest in these men.

  Women are so formidable these days; men don't know how to approach them. But the essential dynamic hasn't changed. It is about a man convincing a woman to do what he wants.

  For course, that's easier if he wants the same thing that she does. Generally, women want a lot more than casual sex. Most want a family.

  I love that my wife doesn't have a constant set of expectations. With other women, I always felt like I was second-guessing them.

  A woman shows she loves a man by obeying him. Nothing makes a man happier than a woman who is acquiescent.

  A woman is not going to be loved permanently for her appearance, which is transitory, or for her accomplishments. Love is not like that. We love the people who sacrifice themselves for us. That proves they love us.

  Men also sacrifice by working to support their families and providing love and direction. Happiness can only be found in love, not self-seeking. Love is self-sacrifice. Human beings were designed to look after each other.

  Sexually, women are excited by male power, men by female vulnerability. Female pornography is full of acts of welcome sexual transgression.

  Women are "Out of Control"

  Time for Men to be Men

  Modern men see women as 'castrating, vengeful, power-hungry and obsessed by men's sexual performance,'" a recent study by the French Edition of Elle Magazine concluded.

  The study based on four 12-man focus groups found that Frenchmen believe that women are out-of-control. They feel belittled by the constant overvaluation of women and dazed by demands to adopt feminine traits yet somehow remain virile.

  The 25-35 age group felt that women "consume men and abuse them sexually." The magazine characterized this age group as "subjugated and feminized."

  How the French have fallen! I recently watched Truffaut's 1968 film classic "Stolen Kisses" and marvelled at Antoine Doinel's girlfriend Christine. She is so irresistibly pert, gracious and pretty. French women were among the most stylish and feminine in the world, accounting for the country's reputation for love.

  Of course the complaint of French men is universal. I received this e-mail recently from a young American male who wonders if women haven't become "sociopathic."

  "They tend to not give a rip about others and 'break it off' rather suddenly," he wrote. "They just laugh and say 'That's what I do.'" I replied to this young man:

  "Tune out all the mad women. The key is not to barter your power for love. No compromises. Keep looking until you find a woman who obeys you and reward her with loyalty and love."

  He replied: "Gee, I never thought of that. Thanks!"

  It's time for men to be men again. It's time to serve notice to women that if they want a relationship with a man, if they want a family, then they must learn to obey their husbands. Otherwise, they are welcome to be roommates with "liberated men" or become lesbians.

  The essential difference between masculine and feminine can be put in a nutshell: woman exchanges her power for a man's love. This is what makes her feminine.

  When men barter their power for love, they become women. Men trade love for power.

  The fatal mistake of the men's movement is accepting feminism's bogus assumptions and complaining that the women aren't treating them as "equals."


  Recently 20 high school graduates toured a science department at the local university. Nineteen of the students were women. The chairman of the department raised the problem at a faculty meeting.

  "Seventy per cent of our students are female," he said. "The males in my department are mostly foreign students. We need an affirmative action program for white males."

  The chairman was met with stunned silence from the rest of the committee. The proposal was not even discussed.

  Don't kid yourself. This is a deliberate policy of social engineering that is authoritarian and sinister. It was never put to a vote. Rockefeller-funded organizations dictate it to state and provincial governments and to universities.

  Feminists said they wanted equality but this was a typical Communist ruse. It was a way of putting their acolytes into power and dominating society. The hidden agenda is to destroy the
nuclear family. Women who devote their prime years to getting a career will find it harder to become wives and mothers later. Men who are shut out of universities will not become breadwinners and family leaders. The discrimination against white males is also intended to undermine America's European character.

  I walk the halls of this university and see bored young women in white lab coats staring distractedly out the door wondering why they are memorizing formulae instead of obeying their natural instincts and having children. Like millions of people duped by Communists, they will be high and dry when there is a depression and they have neither careers nor families.

  Why Men Are Losing Interest in Women

  Castrated Men Can't Love

  ABC's flagship news program "20/20" Friday was devoted to the "biggest secret of American marriage."

  "As many as 20% of American marriages are sexless," host Barbara Walters intoned. "It's not women who don't want sex as you might expect, it's the men!"

  The program focused on two couples. In both cases, feminist mind control is responsible for their problem but the TV program wouldn't admit it.

  One man was married to an attractive 30-something woman who is a stripper. Reporter John Stossel thought this made her husband's indifference even more astonishing. The show's marital therapist, Michele Weiner-Davis, ignored this as a possible explanation for the man's impotence.

  Feminist groupthink says a woman's sexuality is the same as a man's, hers to enjoy (or sell). In this essentially lesbian mindset, the male's response to such women is considered irrelevant.