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  I beg to differ. The stripper's husband is impotent because he is a cuckold. Sex is an act of possession. The husband cannot possess his wife because she gives herself to hundreds of other men every day. She makes part of their living this way. How can this man have any self-respect left? No wonder he cannot assert his power.

  A woman thrives in the context of a loving marriage. Despite what feminism says, most women want to belong to one man, their husband.


  Here the wife criticizes and nags.

  "I can't be myself," the husband says. "I'm walking on eggshells all the time."

  The wife is emasculating her husband. He compensates by riding a Harley and volunteering at the local fire department.

  The therapist suggests that the wife stop nagging and the husband listen. She doesn't notice that the husband responds only after the wife starts to cry.

  Men respond to vulnerability in a woman not power. As I have said, heterosexual love involves the exchange of power for love. Men want power. Women want love. The female surrenders and allows the male to protect and possess her.


  In 2003, a young Israeli died protecting his girl friend from a knife-wielding Palestinian. The police said he absorbed the attacker's blows with his body, ultimately collapsing on top of his girlfriend who was unscathed physically.

  The young man made the supreme sacrifice. His was the supreme act of love.

  Men instinctively protect their own. But feminists don't belong to any man and make a point of being independent. If you were married to one, would you sacrifice your life for her? If society put your children under her jurisdiction, would you die for them?

  The answers have broader implications. Would you support her if she were incapacitated? Would you do unpleasant work day-afterday to support her children? If not, would there be any point in dying for your country? Feminism clearly sabotages the social contract, which is heterosexual by nature.

  If you want to get a man's attention, give him power. A man will not sacrifice himself for woman or family unless they belong to him, i.e. are part of him.


  In the film The Crying Game (1992), director Neil Jordan captured the modern male experience: The protagonist discovers his girlfriend has a penis. He runs gagging from the room and vomits.

  In contrast, most female impersonators today (i.e. feminists) are anatomically women. By encouraging young women to be "strong and independent", feminism has outfitted them with a mental phallus.

  They have become men and made men redundant. Then they try to coerce men to love them as if men were their hand puppets.

  In reality, a woman's power consists in being without penis, being everything a man is not. Not aggressive, forceful, dynamic, muscular and driven. Some weak men are attracted to "dynamic" women but they are really looking for themselves.

  Feminine power consists of persuasion rather than force. A real woman relies on moral authority and her attraction: beauty, grace, charm, love and devotion. These women are very rare and in great demand.

  Men and women are different. Jonathan Swift remarked that women love flattery but men are embarrassed by it. This is

  because men are active by nature and women are passive. The universe is held in balance by positive (active) and negative (passive) principles. Marriage is the way heterosexuals achieve this balance.


  A man told me that after he has worked all day on home renovations, he is afraid his wife will "go ballistic" if he asks why she didn't even do the dishes.

  An Australian man recently wrote to me: "For too long I have made girlfriends insecure by not telling them what I wanted because of a fear of appearing overbearing."

  Men need to assert their just leadership and dump the women who don't like it. There are plenty of fish in the sea and they are biting. With patience and firmness, some feminists can be saved. The rest can be thrown back.

  Generally speaking, men need to figure out what they want to do with their life. You might ask what God wants you to do. Then define the role you want your wife to play and find a woman happy to do it.

  This is what women really want. They are attracted to a dynamic man whom they cannot control. He must have a wholesome vision where she is valued and cherished for her contribution.

  Looking to Dogs for Family

  Love Makes Life Sweet

  People used to get dogs for their children," my wife observed. "Now they get dogs instead of children."

  "Instead of husbands and wives as well," I added.

  Marriage and family have been sabotaged by feminist social engineering. People are turning to dogs for love, belonging and a sense of family.

  A month ago we adopted "Raffi", a one-year-old Spaniel-Lab mutt from the pound. My wife always had a dog. I didn't realize how they could instantly create' family atmosphere.

  We chose Raffi because he wasn't barking and he still doesn't. He just whines or looks sorrowful when he wants something.


  Dogs are pack animals like their wolf ancestors. They hunt and fend off enemies together. They have an innate sense of hierarchy and group solidarity that we have forgotten.

  Raffi likes to be with me all of the time. He sits vigil when I go out and is ecstatic when I return. I am the alpha wolf. I feed and look after him. He jumps in the air and kisses my cheek. How many people are this happy to see us?

  When I neglect to walk him, he doesn't get all sour and resentful.

  When I finally get to him, he doesn't say, "It's about time. I want an

  He's just happy to be going out.

  No longer are we a childless couple. We are a wolf pack. The house is our den. A couple of bones are strewn on the carpet. Raffi sleeps under the bed. Sometimes he snores or dreams tiny barks and growls. When there is a noise outside, he scrambles to investigate.

  We have become a family. Raffi is like our child. We discuss his diet, buy him toys and take him for walks. I treat him to bones.


  Owning a dog would have taught me stewardship and prepared me for becoming a father and husband. You learn to love a creature that is entirely different from you. You learn that when basic needs are met and some guidance is provided, nature takes care of the rest. Stewardship is easy.

  You learn there's a part of his life he shares with you (affection) and a part that is his alone and private (rolling in filth, burying bones, sniffing, chasing cats and rodents.)

  Raffi brings out my parental instincts. I take pleasure in his happiness, vitality, and shiny black coat. I admire his speed and grace. He is the "Seabiscuit" of mutts.

  I am training him to obey my commands so I can keep him out of trouble. I have disciplined him when he growled at us, or insisted on pursuing other dogs.

  Raffi knows I love him. I pat and hug and praise him. "They don't make dogs like you anymore Raffi. They threw away the mould."

  This is what fatherhood should be. A father prepares his children for life. He imposes his vision and will. He teaches them values, goals and self-discipline. He wins their assent by virtue of example, strength of character and fairness. He praises them and assures them of their worth.

  Dogs, women and children have a few things in common. They need to belong to someone. They need a home. They need to be led, loved, nurtured and given responsibility.

  Similarly, men have a strong instinct to "look after" the creatures they love.

  We were brought up to believe that "if you love something, set it free. If it's yours, it will come back. If it doesn't, it never was."

  This is nonsense. It's necessary to assume responsibility for the creatures that depend on you. This is masculine. You are not his friend. You are his owner. If you really love something, you do not put it at risk. Better realise that before it is too late.

  Feminism Deprives Women of Father's Love

irl's Need Validation

  Most girls do not receive adequate love from their fathers. Because of this, as women they are insecure, distrust men and feel they must be independent. They can't respond sexually and their marriages often end in divorce. Their daughters continue the vicious cycle of fatherless-ness.

  This is the conclusion of Victoria Secunda's book Women and their Fathers: The Sexual and Romantic Impact of the First Man in Your Life (1992). It is based on interviews with 150 daughters, 75 fathers, and dozens of authorities.

  Because she is not an academic, Secunda has written an honest and useful book. Because she is a feminist, it slipped through the feminist censors and was well received. This is ironic because feminism is largely responsible for the father-loss and consequences she describes.


  Girls base their male romantic ideal on their relationship with their father. "When I grow up, will I ever find a man as sweet and good and kind as my daddy" is how one woman expressed it. (p.105)

  A three-year-old girl wants to marry her Daddy. A good father helps her to understand that he is spoken for and prepares her for her future husband. But if he leaves, her idealization of her father can be frozen in time. (197)

  Women's romantic attachments are "mirror images" of how they related to their fathers as girls. They often instinctively repeat what they experienced in childhood, even if it was bad. It's what they know. They are trying to have one more shot at childhood, one more chance to rectify their emotional histories. (224)

  Little girls must have their father's approval and love. This is like sun and water to a flower.

  One woman said: "Whenever I'd worry about ever getting a boyfriend, he'd laugh and say, 'Are you kidding? I'll have to beat them off with a stick. You'll see.' His whole approach was to make me feel good about myself.... I think if fathers do nothing else, that's a great thing." (221) (Emphasis mine)

  Another woman said: "It's my dad who made me believe in myself. I remember my mom once telling me, 'Don't act too smart; boys won't like you." My father responded, 'Hogwash. She'll get smarter boys." (225)

  These women naturally feel positively about men and are able to find partners who mirror the devoted father of childhood. A man looking for a mate is safe if he chooses a woman who has a good relationship with her parents, especially her dad.


  Conversely a woman with "father issues" is a risk. If she didn't have a loving dependable father, she may feel unlovable and select men who treat her accordingly. She may recoil from male love altogether. (224)

  These women may try to get love by becoming sexually active prematurely. Or they may fear intimacy. The common theme is "an inability to trust, to believe that a man won't go away."

  Secunda says women whose fathers were emotionally or physically absent during childhood often have trouble achieving orgasm. (31) Understandably, a woman needs to trust in order to "let go." Women with absent fathers feel rootless and aren't sure they belong anywhere. They close up emotionally and tend to have rocky relationships. "Most of these daughters tend to test the men in their lives by starting fights, finding flaws, expecting to be abandoned, or looking for excuses to walk out themselves." (214)

  Another pattern is anxiety about supporting themselves or of being financially dependent on men. This is where feminism comes in.

  "It seems that the less masculine attention they got in childhood, the more they seem to identify with and imitate men, keeping their feelings hidden, preferring casual teasing and unemotional banter to the intimacies of feminine soul bearing." (212)

  Denied their fathers, women become more masculine. This is a way of bringing daddy back. They become the thing they are missing. (212)

  In other words, a good father affirms his daughter's innate femininity by telling her how beautiful and smart she is. But if he is absent, she compensates by becoming masculine. This of course undermines her future relationships with men.


  Feminism is a self-perpetuating form of father-loss. Its goal is to "overthrow the patriarchy." The word originates in the Latin "pater" or father.

  Many leaders of second-wave feminism are themselves products of broken homes. "My father didn't ever exist as a presence in my life.... He didn't care about us," said Marilyn French, author of The War Against Women.

  "My father was living in California," said Gloria Steinem. "He didn't ring up but I would get letters from him and saw him maybe once or twice a year."

  Germaine Greer: "My father had decided pretty early on that life at home was pretty gave my mother an opportunity to tyrannize the children and enlist their aid to disenfranchise my father completely." (From Susan Mitchell. Icons, Saints and Divas: Intimate Conversations with Women who Changed the World, New York: Harper Collins, 1997.)


  Since the onslaught of second-wave feminism in the 1960's the divorce rate has tripled. Almost 50% of white women who married then have divorced. In contrast, a single generation earlier (1940's), only 14% eventually divorced.

  Between 1970 and 1992, the proportion of babies born outside of marriage leapt from 11% to 30%. Now it's almost 50%.

  Three times as many children (per capita) are now living in single parent households. In 2000, 22.4% of all children under 18 (16,162,000 children) lived in mother-only households. In 1960, the figure was 8%.

  A study which tracked 1000 children of divorced parents from 1976 until 1987 found that nearly half of these children had not seen their fathers in the previous year. (203)

  As far as women's psychological development and happiness, feminism is a self-perpetuating disease.


  These days' men and women are kept in a state of arrested development, frozen in the courtship stage. If people are distracted and starved for sex, it's easier to sell them products and control them.

  The mass media encourages us to obsess on sex and postpone marriage and family indefinitely. When you are married, sex is readily available and less important.

  Young men are taught to judge women on appearance and ignore more important qualities. The media presents makes men think beautiful women are superhuman and unapproachable. Possibly the following will be of use.

  If women form their ideal of male from their father, present or absent, perhaps men should be more "father-like" in their approach to women. Typically, women choose men who are five years older because they seek to replicate their own family, with husband providing the physical and emotional security of the father.

  Many men want a daughter-figure, someone who will demonstrate the loyalty, trust and innocence that a girl feels for her father. A man wants to be affirmed in his authority as husband and father, not mothered like a child.

  Of course a man also wants his wife to be strong, sophisticated and effective because this makes her more desirable as a mate. But she should retain those daughterly qualities that he finds so attractive. When a woman trusts her husband's leadership, she can focus on her feminine side. It allows her to retain her youthfulness and attraction into old age.

  Victoria Secunda's book confirms that some men occasionally have sexual feelings for their daughters. She says this is normal. Men get spooked by this and avoid their daughters. They shouldn't. There is a world of difference between arousal, which is involuntary, and actually wanting, let alone doing. (16)

  A father's responsibility is to build his daughter's trust in men, and prepare her for another man. This involves confirming her in her sexual identity, as a capable attractive partner for a future husband. Obviously, if a father crosses the line with his daughter, he will destroy that trust and ruin her life.


  In my lifetime the popular image of the father has undergone a transformation from the dignified Robert Young in Fathers Knows Best to the bumbling fool Homer Simpson. This is not a coincidence or a "sign of the times." It refle
cts a sophisticated psychological warfare program designed by the Illuminist elite to emasculate men, degrade and destabilize society.

  The people who own and run the planet do not want us to become mature beings able to perceive the truth. Their main instrument is the mass media, which makes trends like feminism appear spontaneous.

  A healthy father-daughter relationship in a nuclear family is essential to a woman's psychological development and future happiness. Despite its pretensions, feminism undermines women by depriving them of this.

  I want to be clear that women are equal to men in terms of their right to dignity and self-fulfillment. But feminism is not really about these things. It spreads a lesbian developmental disorder that destroys society by attacking its basic social unit, the heterosexual family.

  The dysfunction created by the destruction of the family has spawned a predatory class of feminist professionals: politicians, educators, writers, law enforcers, lawyers, counsellors and health care professionals. This class becomes the elite's political constituency. Thus mankind is kept in a state of arrested development.

  It's time for men to step up to the plate. We also suffer from father loss. But there is a father that we can know. I am talking about God. We are made in God's image and His image is in our soul. Man in Latin, "vir", has the same root as virtue. It's as simple as doing the right thing.


  Managing the Male Sex Drive

  At age 12, in 1961 I saw the movie Spartacus. In one scene the camera focuses on Kirk Douglas' face as Jean Simmons sheds her gown. His face is full of wonderment and awe, lighted by the mystical glow seeming to emanate from her naked body but actually from the fire.