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Cruel Hoax Page 16

  The scene made a profound impression on me, a boy just entering puberty.

  Our pagan (a.k.a. "modern") Masonic culture programs us to worship sex in the form of the fertile young female.

  Romantic love is our ersatz religion. Sexual intercourse is the holy sacrament. Sex is considered the most pleasurable and profound experience life has to offer.

  I subscribed to Playboy and devoured nudes with Kirk Douglas-like adoration. Henceforth I judged females primarily on the basis of sex appeal; all others were invisible. I also equated sexual desire with love, and love with religion. In essence, I became dysfunctional, unable to relate to real women.

  This subversive verse from Paul Simon's "Kathy's Song" (1965) became the anthem of my generation:

  "So you see I have come to doubt/ All that I once held as true/ I stand alone without beliefs/ The only truth I know is you."

  We were taught to be "alienated" from society and to seek fulfillment in romance. Uprooted from our true historical and spiritual context, we were told life is meaningless: find it in sex.

  "An erotomania is abroad through our civilization," Francis Parker Yockey wrote in 1948. It is "the identification of 'happiness' with sexual love, holding it up as the great value, before which all honour, duty, patriotism, consecration of Life to a higher aim, must give way." (Imperium, 297)

  This message has not changed and it is pervasive. The pagan goddess is used to sell everything from cell phones to insurance. In one commercial, she says, "even I get constipation" as if she were supernatural.

  As if this weren't enough, lately she has become an Amazon warrior anxious to avenge centuries of imagined oppression. As result, she is either frostily unapproachable or a demanding pleasure-seeking slut.

  These factors have poisoned male-female relations. We are fearful and cannot form a permanent bond. Many men have turned to pornography, which has become a multi billion-dollar industry and national pastime.


  In Plato's Republic Socrates says that when he finally lost his sex drive in old age, he felt as if he had been " released from the jaws of a wild beast."

  Sex is not intended to be a lifelong obsession. It is part of the courtship and procreation phase. We are meant to marry young, have children and outgrow sex to some extent. We were intended to focus our energy on more important things.

  For men, the goal is to control our sex drive rather than to be controlled by it (and by women.) How do men do this if they cannot find a compatible mate?

  Obviously most masturbate and many use pornography as an aid. Most men would be thinking of nothing else if they didn't relieve the pressure in this way.

  But, as a sensible teenager said to me recently: "If I need to look at pictures, well then I don't really need to do it." His focus is on managing his sex drive not on dissipation. By masturbating every few days, he can be "cool" with girls.


  If a pipe were spewing untreated sewage into our streets, we would stop it. But hard-core pornography does this on a psychic level on a much larger scale, and somehow we are helpless.

  A swastika graphitti or the epithet "nigger" are considered "hate crimes" yet every day millions of men receive offensive email offers to extend their penises or watch 14-year-old Sue get sodomized.

  That is considered "free speech."

  Hard-core porn is anti human. It is hate. But anything that is prohibited assumes an undue importance. I'd rather curious males investigated and were disgusted and bored.

  There is a difference between hard-core porn, which is tedious and sick, and tasteful female nudity, which can be a temporary substitute. The key is to grow beyond it. The temporary substitute should not become a permanent one. It should not interfere with finding a mate.

  Pornography makes us see women in purely sexual terms and obviously this affects how we treat them and how they respond to us.


  When men dehumanize women, we dehumanize ourselves.

  Men and women are demeaned when they seek sex merely as physical release. Let's face it. Most of us have been demeaned.

  This is the goal of the New World Order, which centres on the question: Is human life sacred or are we merely animals? The New World Order wants to prove we are cattle so we can be herded, enslaved or slaughtered.

  Resistance begins at home. Attack the programming head on. Let's stop looking at women as sex objects. Let's humanize sex by insisting that it belongs in a loving long-term male-led relationship.

  The sex act is the sacred ritual of creation. The man plants his seed, which contains his essence, his genetic code. The woman receives and nourishes this seed into a creature capable of knowing God.

  Let's look for compatible mates rather than sex partners. This would save us a lot of hardship, rejection and wasted time. Women would instantly become more approachable and available.

  In societies that respect marriage vows, married men and women are able to be friends with other men and women without anyone feeling threatened.


  Being human is a spiritual discipline. It means holding our behaviour accountable to our ideals and evolving morally. Let's catch ourselves when we look at women lasciviously. There is a difference between that and admiring their sex appeal, beauty and grace.

  Holding ourselves accountable requires will power. We are the product of our thoughts. The thought is father of the deed. We must control our thoughts and the stimuli we allow.

  One acquaintance doesn't masturbate very often. "Why stoke the fires?" he says. He keeps his mind off sex and focuses on more exciting pursuits.

  This is called sublimation. The prodigious American writer Upton Sinclair (1878-1968) wrote in his Autobiography (1962):

  My chastity was preserved at the cost of much emotional effort... What did I get in return for this? I got intensity and power of concentration; these elements in my make-up were the product of my effort to resist the tempter.

  I learned to work fourteen hours a day at study and creative effort because it was only by being thus occupied that the craving for woman could be kept out of my soul. I recited the Wisdom of Solomon: "he that ruleth his spirit is greater than he that taketh a city." (p. 46)

  According to Sinclair, and many religions, the energy goes right to the spiritual bottom line:

  "Imagine anyone wanting a lot of money or houses and servants or fine raiment if he knew how to be happy as I did! Imagine anyone becoming drunk on whiskey if he might become drunk on poetry and music, sunsets and valleys full of clover!" (56)

  Go to Julian Lee's website for a wealth of information and inspiration on how abstinence can make men strong.


  The masculine sex drive is a powerful creative force that needs to be controlled and steered. We can do this by applying and then releasing the brake. Every man is different and must find his own formula.

  Slavery begins with the mind. We can resist by not being controlled by sex.


  Men Don't Need to Perform

  Many perfectly healthy men apparently are using "performance enhancing" drugs, supposedly intended just for erectile dysfunction.

  Reports include, "It's like having a jackhammer between your legs" and "You can swing the bat all night long."

  To continue the baseball metaphor, I ask: Isn't this cheating? Isn't it like using steroids to hit a home run?

  Should these men be treated like heroes or impostors? Do women feel they have been with a real man or a lifelike dildo?

  These drugs completely automate an act that already is too impersonal and mechanical. Is this really necessary?

  A young man of my acquaintance described how Viagra removed his performance anxieties.

  I don't think men should feel obligated to perform. It's not the measure of a man. What a quaint vestige from our primate days! We become a man by serving a higher ideal, not by keepin
g an erection.

  Anerectionisameasureofarousal,liketheneedleonagauge.Ninety degrees suggests acute interest; 270 degrees suggests the chemistry is wrong. The woman or the relationship is equally to blame.

  In my experience, a woman's response is a major factor. Arousal and love mirrored on a woman's face, is the biggest turn-on.

  If the gauge reads 270, we need to fix the problem, not mess with our body's natural feedback.

  We live in an age where we are lied to continually. Do we want to lie to ourselves?


  A reader "Bud" wrote that he took Viagra right after his second divorce.

  "I found much to my delight that women were easy. Real easy! [Only] my heart, s oul and body were not as easy as most of the women I met. BUT being a "Man" I thought that I "Needed a woman" and further that I "Needed" to please them.

  Well the Viagra worked to fix a part of me that was telling me by not

  working that I didn't "Need" sex.

  Here was the bizarre part, with the Viagra, Yes I had a glowing erection, yes I had her all "going" as well, but after even a minute or two of Sex, I WAS BORED.

  I mean I was bored, and distracted and found the whole situation meaningless.

  So, to counter my distraction I used of course, booze and "perversion."

  I tried to keep my interest in seeing what "I could get her to do". The answer was "everything" as modern American women are prone to do. But what didn't change was the boredom.

  I'd rather wanted to listen to music. I'd rather think about how I missed my children. I'd rather take a walk.

  And ALL while having this "great "Viagra sex! But it was not great.

  It actually made me sad!

  So actually Viagra was a great wake-up for me, as it helped me become more aware of my body and my needs. Sex just wasn't one of those needs."


  We live in a culture that regards sex as a mystical experience, necessary for our fulfillment. In the movies, the sex act is treated like a holy sacrament.

  Why is this? Modern Western culture is Masonic in character. That's their pyramid symbol on the US dollar bill. Freemasonry originated as a pagan sex cult. We are brainwashed to think that sex has some inherent value, that it is necessary for our identity, health etc. Are we secretly being initiated into depraved occult sex practises?

  Without love, sex is hardly better than masturbating. And masturbating is just another excretory function.

  Sex in our occult-ure replaces love and family. The ultimate goal is to dissolve the family and create a society of anonymous mutual masturbators, who cannot form permanent bonds.

  It's a long time since I read Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" but these drugs remind me of SOMA, a drug used to distract the masses from their slavery.


  To divorce sex from love and reproduction is unnatural and inhuman. For most of us, our natural development requires marriage and family. This applies to both sexes.

  The reproductive act determines a woman's destiny. If she offers herself to all and sundry, her husband will be another in a long line of casual lovers. She will not know how to be monogamous.

  Similarly, men have been brainwashed to see women as sexual receptacles. "I'd hit that," young men are fond of saying. Or "Would you do Britney Spears?"

  No wonder men and women are confused. So many people are "do" able, especially with Viagra.

  Too often we mistake sexual attraction for love. Real love is based on a willingness to devote oneself to another person. True love humanizes sex. With love, sex assumes its real significance as the sacred ritual of human reproduction. By creating Life, we imitate God.

  The Treadmill of Sex & Romance

  Elite Exploits Nature's Con

  At 57, I am no longer of draft age. I'm referring to the press gang of nature. I am not required to father a child.

  My sex drive is not what it once was. I can "perform" but I don't need to as much. Far from being alarmed, I am relieved.

  As the hormonal fog evaporates, I have moments of clarity that I'd like to share with younger males still on the treadmill of sex and romance.

  After survival, the reproductive urge is our most powerful natural instinct.

  Most men don't realize how they are routinely victimized by this instinct. When they are attracted to a female, they rarely think, "Oh, that's nature calling, wanting me to breed."

  Instead, they are fascinated, even awe-struck, by any comely young (i.e. fertile) female regardless of her character, personality, ability, or intelligence. Men invest her with great mystery and usually she won't correct them.

  Like so many things we idolize, Gertrude Stein's comment about Oakland applies. "There's no THERE there." Nature is peddling a hoax and popular kulture is exploiting it.

  Over tiPe, very few women (or men) live up to their billing.

  Jung said that when you take God away, men create false Gods. In place of God, the Illuminati gave us a bogus religion of sex and romantic love, which they din into our heads using movies and popular music.

  There is nothing mystical about sex. It's mostly about reproduction.

  Ninety per cent of what we call "love" is sexual attraction. Nature gave us hunger so we will eat, lust so we will propagate. This is why we are rarely attracted to women beyond childbearing age.

  Romantic love is a form of idolatry. Thanks to birth control and porn, sex has become a largely sterile mass entertainment and addiction.

  A woman is peripheral to a man who knows his business, and subconsciously women know this. They shun men who put them on a pedestal.

  The romantic inflation of woman causes arrested development in males. (This is why the media empowers and idealizes women.) Any man who thinks a particular woman has anything he cannot live without is destined to remain a child.

  A young man should choose a wife who will help him achieve his goals. Ideally, one of these goals will be a family. Children represent our natural growth; they project us into the future. They are our offering to God, an Act of Faith. A young man should find a woman who complements him and will be a good mother.

  Subconsciously, women want men who serve God. Men (and women) were created to be God's agents. We know God by doing His will, by serving Him through our actions. Women serve God by serving husband and children and are loved and honored in return. When women serve themselves, they end up alone and bitter.


  The hallmark of civilization is the limitation of sex to love and marriage. This humanizes sex and encourages families, which are essential for procreation and societal health.

  The alternative is "free love" where man is essentially a dog and woman a hydrant. Throughout my life, I was taught that sex for its own sake is actually worthwhile and profound, that sexual inhibition causes neurosis, and orgasms are mystical etc. Woody Allen summed it up: "For an empty experience, sex is one of the best there is."

  Lets put this conflict in historical perspective. As recently as years ago, our sexual mores were governed by religious principles. In 1960 there was still a social stigma against illegitimate children. I don't favor unkindness toward anyone but this stigma was removed by a powerful force determined to destroy the institution of the family.

  We shriek at the position of women in Saudi Arabia but in Chicago in 1912, a woman could be fined for showing too much leg. Ben Hecht recalls that the police arrested women for "smoking cigarettes, for shopping without their corsets on...for using profanity...for wearing slacks and shorts, for kissing in public, for wearing a man's hat, for sitting alone in a cafe or drinking in a saloon, for driving an automobile without a male in attendance, for putting too much paint on their faces or cutting their hair too short." (A Child of the Century, p.47)

  This is a reminder that our civilization was founded on Christian values. These proscriptions were extreme and needed some reform but they had a sound basis. They were designed to channel wome
n into the role of wife and mother as opposed to sex objects. Deprived of their natural role, many young women now are in crisis.

  Occult forces are gradually inducting us into their sex cult without our knowledge. "Secular" is their term for satanic. The "freedom" they trumpet is freedom from the self-discipline necessary to follow the Creator's operating manual and grow healthy and happy.

  Until we wake up to the fact that mankind is in the grip of a powerful satanic force, we will remain defenceless. Elite social engineers are waging an undeclared war on society. By subverting sexual roles, and separating sex from marriage and procreation, they hope to divert, degrade, sedate and finally control us.

  The Dying Art of Femininity

  Fascinating Womanhood

  Femininity is a gentle tender quality found in a woman's appearance, manner and nature. A feminine woman gives the impression of softness and delicateness. She has a spirit of sweet submission, and a dependency upon men for their care and protection. Nothing about her appears masculine, no male aggressiveness, competence, efficiency, fearlessness, strength, or the ability to kill her own snakes." (247)

  Helen Andelin's Fascinating Womanhood (1965) is subversive to the New World Order because it upholds the inherent difference between the sexes and the basic laws governing marriage.

  Such a book would never be published today. It is only available because it appeared 40 years ago and sold 2 million copies.