Cruel Hoax Page 17
If you have any doubt about your sexual identity, I recommend Fascinating Womanhood. It is pertinent for men as well as women. I also recommend Andelin's Fascinating Girl for single women and her husband's Man of Steel and Velvet for men.
I'm not saying you should treat this model as gospel or that it's for everyone. It represents a timeless heterosexual paradigm that works. Every couple is different. Choose what is relevant to you and ignore the rest.
Femininity and masculinity are an art, like playing the piano. They must be learned. We have to know the basics before we can improvise.
People are very malleable. Society is the target of a long-term hate campaign designed to degrade and discredit heterosexuality. Domestic violence and rape are trumpeted to make women fear men, reject femininity and become masculine. The destruction of the family has always been the goal of the financial elite in order to control people.
Andelin says a woman's happiness depends on her husband's lifelong devotion and love. Her book teaches women how to be attractive to men, how to be feminine.
Andelin writes that women don't have to be beautiful to be feminine. "Acquire a feminine manner by accentuating the differences between yourself and men, not the similarities. Since the masculine manner is strong firm and heavy, yours should be gentle, delicate and light. Apply this in the way you walk, talk, use your hands and carry yourself." (256)
I can still remember how a girl I knew closed a kitchen cupboard with a motion of her hip. This happened 37 years ago when I was 20!
When Andelin writes that a feminine woman is never "crude, vulgar, harsh, overbearing or critical," it is apparent that the fair sex is being deliberately degraded and neutered by the media. "All your conversation should reflect tenderness, patience, forgiveness, tolerance and love."
A wife's first priority is her husband and then her children. Thus a single woman will consecrate herself for her future husband and children as much as possible. She will not be promiscuous.
Wives tend to put career, friends, parents, success and appearance before their husbands. "If you are a successful career woman, keep your priorities straight," Andelin writes. "Let your husband know by words and actions that he is number one." (95)
The woman's primary role is to be wife, mother and homemaker. The man's role is to be guide, protector and provider. This doesn't mean women can't have careers or men can't cook or change a diaper.
A man needs to feel that he is needed, and that he excels his woman in his role. If she becomes independent, he may question his purpose and his feelings for her "since his romantic feelings partly arise from her need to be protected, sheltered and cared for." (102)
A woman should accept her husband at face value and not try to change him. His pride and freedom are inviolable. She should focus on his good qualities and he will improve naturally in response to her.
Reactions to Andelin are either very positive or very negative. One minister wrote on Amazon:" I have given approximately 250 copies of this book to women I have counselled in the past 5 years. In this period of time, I have yet to see ANY of them NOT improve their marriage by working on what they bring to the marriage."
Many women find the book outdated and laughable. One contentious point is that Andelin advises wives to adopt an endearing childlike petulance when upset with their husband. A lot of women find this demeaning. But in practice, most men will respond positively when their authority is not directly challenged.
Andelin may seem outdated in places but she has the basic principles right. Let us adapt them.
Beautiful women are a dime a dozen but feminine women are exceedingly rare. In my view, jeans are the symbol of the unisex virus. Feminine women should never wear jeans.
The world suffers the loss of feminine spiritual qualities: trust, modesty, grace, innocence, serenity, tenderness, patience and nurturing love. This is behind the male obsession with pornographic sex. Men unconsciously seek femininity and love to balance them. The restless masculine spirit seeks a calm harbor.
This weekend yet another movie opens about a woman who is a violent killer. "Domino" is the story of a female bounty hunter. The real-life inspiration for this story Domino Harvey died recently of a drug overdose or murder. No wonder young women are confused! Where do they see wives and mothers presented in a positive light? Women are always harried, arguing with men and running off to work.
I get email from feminists who say my articles are "hurtful." It's eerie how they all use that word and repeat the party line. I think it's "hurtful" that the super rich want to take the place of God and nature and enslave humanity.
But these feminists don't get it. They don't get A's for connecting feminism with the Rockefellers, Sept. 11 and Iraq, i.e. NWO Central Banker Dictatorship.
Feminism is designed to make women feel unworthy for devoting their lives to the people they love. It forces them out of the house where their employers can control them. It forces infants into joyless daycares subject to conditioning and who-knows-what-else.
I would never stand between anyone and their idea of fulfillment. But ladies, don't be so gullible! You're being defrauded of a lifetime of love. Have your careers later but don't forfeit your femininity and your chance to have a family.
Defining Your Needs
Love is Based on Mutual Dependence
A haunting new Staples commercial captures the predicament of the modern "independent" woman.
It portrays the modern feminist at leisure.
She is scaling a sheer 1000-foot rock face somewhere in the wilderness.
Her cell phone rings and a co-worker informs her that they have won a contract.
She calls Staples Office Centre and requests that a report be ready by Wednesday. These are her contacts: her co-workers and her suppliers.
Then, something eerie and ominous happens. She drops the phone!
We can almost hear it crashing on the rocks below.
I don't know what Staples means by this. Maybe they think she no longer needs it.
To me, dropping the phone symbolizes the plight of modern woman.
Insteadofbeingdependentonhusbandandfamily,sheisdependent on her boss and the vagaries of the marketplace and politics.
In other words, she is dependent on the bankers. When they have finished their latest "revolution," the (homo) sexual one, feminists will be disposable.
Take her job away (drop the cell phone) and her vaunted "independence" comes crashing down too. She is left isolated and alone, clinging to a rock face.
Romantic love is a pseudo religion. Popular songs are its hymns. Sex is exalted as though it were a mystical experience. We are supposed to love (or "worship") our mate's mystery as if s/he were divine.
Of course, very few people live up to this standard. The sex-driven infatuation and novelty fade as the pressures of daily life intrude. We discover that we married a human being like ourselves with both good and bad qualities.
A marriage is more likely to succeed if it is based on mutual dependence rather than romantic idealization. We are taught that love is based on mutual independence but in reality we marry because our mate fulfills certain needs and vice-versa.
These "needs" may be emotional, spiritual, sexual, familial, and financial or you name it.
A husband might say to his wife: This is what I need from you. What do you need from me? No wife can meet her mate's needs if her own aren't also fulfilled.
Marriage is a contract. You live up to your bargain even when you are not feeling "loving." You play the role. It's a "commitment."
Jonathan Swift said that love and faith eventually become real after constant dissembling.
Our dysfunctional culture promotes the idea that people should be loved for their excellent qualities (especially sex appeal) and achievements (especially power and wealth.)
; We are naturally drawn to people who have qualities we admire. But this adulatory love often feels like envy. There is something self-negating about it, something vampire-like. We want to possess what they have. We are looking for these qualities in ourselves. We are looking for ourselves.
Similarly, people often think they will be loved for their accomplishments.
For example, in the movie "Something's Got to Give," Diane Keaton plays a 60'ish woman. Jack Nicholson is supposed to love her because (gasp!) she is a famous playwright!
Think of the people you truly love. Is it because of their appearance, talent or achievements? Or is it because they give you what you need?
If I am right, independent women are misdirecting their energy to career (which does not bring love.)
They are so busy frantically trying to forget they aren't married and having children, they barely have time or inclination for men.
The older ones who have given up are traumatized. I have been to two offices where women my age actually covered their bare ring fingers while talking to me. The toll in human suffering is incalculable.
The traditional arrangement went like this. A man took care of a woman's material needs. In return, she took care of his emotional and sexual needs. The man made the house; the woman made the home and family. The woman raised the family's cultural level.
Mutual dependence worked very well until elite social engineers decided to break up the family using the mass media.
They convinced millions of gullible women that feminism was the "latest" thing. The poor dears learned the loving husbands who toiled to support them and died in war were in fact exploiting them!
"Oh foolish man, is there anything you cannot be made to believe?" Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati opined. This applies to women as well.
Today, a woman works and supplies her own material needs (making a man redundant.) Often, she is too exhausted and hardened by the marketplace to provide for her husband's 079=498,6 and sexual needs. Frustrated, both husband and wife look elsewhere; their marriage collapses and their children lose a healthy environment in which to grow.
Women do not get love and satisfaction from career. They get it from being indispensable to their loved ones and treasured for it.
Men and women were designed to complement each other. Love and marriage are about mutual dependence.
By the time independent women realize their mistake it is often too late. They are between a rock and a hard place.
The Occult Roots of Feminism
Feminism has roots in the occult Kabalistic and Gnostic tradition that sees marriage and family as impediments to free sex and occult control of society. (Kabala and Gnosticism are the basis of Freemasonry, and in turn the basis of modern Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Zionism and Feminism.)
According to this occult tradition, Lilith was Adam's first wife, the archetype feminist that every man marries and then divorces.
Lilith and Adam argued constantly because Lilith refused to be under him in the act of love saying they were "equal." This is from "The Story of Lilith" which dates from the between the 8th and 10th Centuries A.D:
God "created a woman for Adam, from the earth, as He had created Adam himself, and called her Lilith. Adam and Lilith began to fight. She said, 'I will not lie below,' and he said, 'I will not lie beneath you, but only on top. For you are fit only to be in the bottom position, while I am to be in the superior one.'
Lilith responded, 'We are equal to each other inasmuch as we were both created from the earth.' But they would not listen to one another. When Lilith saw this, she pronounced the Ineffable Name and flew away into the air. Adam stood in prayer before his Creator: 'Sovereign of the universe!' he said, 'the woman you gave me has run away.'
Lilith's refusal to lie beneath Adam is tantamount to the earth refusing to receive a seed. There is nothing inferior or "unequal" about this, no matter what this text has Adam say. It is part of the yin-yang, the active-passive, masculine-feminine dynamic that is at the heart of nature.
Man serves God. Woman serves family. In this way both are useful and their lives have meaning.
But the Gnostic/Kabalistic tradition wishes to overthrow God and nature and substitute the rule of (some) men. The New World Order is the culmination of this Satanic tradition.
That is why replicas of the Ten Commandments are carted out of courthouses and replaced with "human rights" which are not God given, but defined and applied selectively by politicians.
That is why our young women are raised to be dysfunctional and useless; why young men are not taught to serve God (Truth, Love) and give women a noble purpose.
The occult roots of modern culture also explain the confusing mystical haze that surrounds romantic love. The notion that men get their meaning from love and marriage is very confusing and wrong. It is also feminine. Men get their confidence from doing work they enjoy and getting recognition and reward for it.
The notion that we are divine and can love the "God within" our mate is a form of idolatry. Most of us are closer to apes than to God.
I would replace the word "love" with two words: "trust and respect." This concept is more realistic and understandable. True love develops over a period of years and is based on trust and respect.
Naturally, we must begin by "earning" our own respect by living up to our ideals and achieving our goals. This is the source of self-confidence and attraction.
Then a man must "earn" a woman's trust and respect through slow and patient courtship. For a woman, love is an act of self-surrender, which renders her vulnerable. Her happiness depends on her careful choice of husband.
I have a hunch that the most satisfying aspect of sex is not physical but emotional: total possession for the man, and total surrender for the woman. This depends on earning a woman's trust so she can let down her defences.
The popular misconception that we are entitled to love is partly responsible for our arrested development. Instead of becoming more worthy, and more useful, we seek the magical "someone" who will love us just as we are.
What we call love is usually sexual infatuation. Young women behave as if sex appeal is all they need, and young men tend to confirm this error. The movies show men going gaga over women who have very little to offer, other than being pretty and quirky.
That's good for ten minutes, what about the rest of life? In the past, women had practical skills as wives and mothers. They learned to cook and sew and make the home beautiful and inviting. They became cultured and mastered a musical instrument. They knew about child rearing.
But more important, they developed a mental attitude. They were going to join their lives with a man and be "on his team" for better or for worse. They were going to bear his children and project his spirit into the future. That's what a woman's love really means. That's what binds a man to a woman.
My wife who is Mexican still has something of the Old World. We met five years ago over the Internet. She sent me a link, which she said was a gift. When I opened it, I saw she had designed a great new web site for my book, A Long Way to go for Date.
Love at first web site, her gesture told me that she was prepared to be useful, to help me.
A woman helping a man! What a strange concept these days when an ancient satanic conspiracy nears culmination.
* * *
NOTE: I am indebted to DAVID LIVINGSTONE, author of The Dying God: The Hidden History of Western Civilization, for bringing The Story of Lilith and the relationship of Feminism to Kabala to my attention.
Politically Incorrect
Advice for Young Men
My life was dysfunctional until the age of 50 because I naively accepted the feminist assumptions purveyed by the mass media. I never imagined the financial elite is engaged in a war to undermine society by trashing heterosexual roles. This hateful government attack on the tradit
ional family continues unabated today. The purpose is to create a totalitarian New World Order where mind control replaces jackboot.
Like millions of men, I was let "off the hook" by sexual liberation and feminism. Instead of becoming a husband and father, I was free to have sex and search for my "identity."
Often sex and identity were confused. I didn't understand that men mature and find direction and purpose by embracing their traditional role, not shunning it. As a result, I suffered from arrested emotional development and missed my opportunity to have a family.
What follows is an antidote to elite feminist propaganda. I don't want young men to fall into the same trap as I did.
We rarely hear this but strong healthy children are a man's highest achievement. The paternal instinct is as powerful as the maternal one, but men mistake it as lust. We are really looking for a woman to carry and nurture our children; a woman whose excellent qualities combined with our own will produce wondrous beings. Family is the natural process by which men (and women) grow over a lifetime. This is how we find love and intimacy. It isn't for everyone but it is the path to happiness for most.
Stop listening to the media, your peer group or parents. "Trust thy self," Emerson says in "Self Reliance" (1841)" "Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist." What are your instincts telling you? For example, I always knew I wanted to rule my own roost but feminism prohibited this. Obey your instincts.
Make your work your passion instead ofwomen. Work is the backbone of a man. Men gain self-confidence from their skill and the reward it earns. Women will try to come between a man and his work but don't let them. Don't let anyone or anything thwart your gift. Women do not respect men who make them their first priority. Your work will keep you on course and help you avoid temptation.